BBS Lists provided a vital way for a new BBS to make itself known to the community, a way that was much less annoying than posting your BBS Ad on other, unwilling BBSes (Although a lot of BBSes had special sub-boards for the posting of such ads). Usually run by a third party, these BBS Lists help give a real feel for what the landscape unfolded into for the average user.
Additionally, in the case of ASCII Express lines, these BBSes provided not just the phone number, but the password you'd have to type in to actually enter once you connected.
Filename |
Size |
Description of the Textfile |
FIREESCAPE314 Lists from the Fire Escape BBS | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PAMSPublic Access Message Systems List, by Bill Blue | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
USBBSThe USBBS List | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
026part1.lst 191830 | The Ameriboards Nationwide BBS Listing Issue #26 Part 1 (April, 1994)
| 026part2.lst | 248236 | The Ameriboards Nationwide BBS Listing Issue #26 Part 2 (April, 1994)
| 026part3.lst | 208578 | The Ameriboards Nationwide BBS Listing Issue #26 Part 3 (April, 1994)
| 08listan.txt | 7072 | A List of BBSes in Stockholm, Sweden
| 144bbs.txt | 18119 | 144BBS List, Compiled by the Downtown BBS (List of BBSes running 14.4k Modems)
| 144bbs2.txt | 136929 | The 144BBS List (List of BBSes with 14.4k Modems) by The Downtown BBS (1994)
| 144intro.txt | 7303 | Introduction to the 14.4k Modem BBS List
| 144intro2.txt | 6840 | Introduction to the 144BBS List (1994)
| 144modem.txt | 533 | Legend to the 144BBS List's Modem Meanings
| 1757.ufo | 2329 | A List of Local UFO BBSes by Joe Holland (February 27, 1988)
| 1800bbs.txt | 7168 | 800 BBS List from Richard
| 1985bbs.txt | 30113 | List of BBSes, 1985
| 1985list.txt | 21632 | The User List from the 1985 BBS (MCMLXXXV BBS)
| 1990nashbbs.txt | 10792 | The Nashville BBS Listing, from The WorkBench BBS (1990)
| 1992vbbs.txt | 65212 | Collection of VBBS Nodes, Circa 1992 (1992)
| 1994bbs.txt | 11134 | Avernus BBS List (In ANSI) (1994)
| 1997gtbbs.txt | 21420 | 1997 GT BBS List (1997)
| 201bbs1.txt | 2667 | 201 BBS List
| 206bbs.txt | 3681 | BBSLIST: The Western Washington Commodore BBS List by d'Emerald City Trading Company (December 17, 1986)
| 214area1.txt | 2667 | 214 Area Code BBS List
| 313bbs2.lst | 41168 | Computer Bulletin Boards in the 313 Area Code (June 10, 1991)
| 313bbs23.lst | 42173 | Computer Bulletin Boards in the 313 Area Code (June 10, 1991)
| 313bbs27.lst | 51695 | Guide to Computer Bulletin Boards in Southeastern Michigan - Late Fall 1992 (1992)
| 313bbs28.lst | 57611 | Guide to Computer Bulletin Boards in Southeastern Michigan (Summer/Fall 1993) (1993)
| 313bbs30.lst | 66721 | Horst Mann's Guide to Computer Bulletin Boards in South-Eastern Michigan (313/810) (1994)
| 314bbs14.lst | 33013 | Horst Mann's Guide to Computer Bulletin Boards in Michigan (313) (May 22, 1988)
| | 4515 | Nodelist for Section 323, Rhode Island BBSes
| 514-19890721.txt | 16467 | BBS Directory listing for the Montreal (514) dialing area (July 21, 1989)
| 514-list-1988.txt | 18108 | BBS Directory Listing for the Montral (514) Area Code, by Juxtaposition BBS (November 25, 1988)
| 518bbs.txt | 8877 | 518 BBS List (1993)
| 609dec94.lst | 53483 | 609 Area Online List (December 1994)
| 612bbs.txt | 1757 | 612 BBS List, Circa Mid-80's
| 616bbs.lst | 10660 | 616BBS List: A List of PC Bulletin Boards by Gene Warner (June, 1995)
| 619bbslist.txt | 89963 | The San Diego County BBS List (1994)
| 800bbs.bbs | 4694 | 800 BBS List from the Spectrum 007 BBS
| 800bbs.phk | 11095 | Toll Free BBS Numbers around the World
| 800bbs.txt | 5742 | America's Validated Toll-Free BBS List by Kevin Brook (December 31, 1994)
| 800bbs3.lst | 107536 | The Toll Free WATS 800 BBS List by Susan Ots (October 25, 1992)
| 800bbsnos.txt | 21934 | Collection of 800 BBS Numbers
| 800h25.txt | 19510 | 800 BBS List (February 1993)
| 800h31.txt | 30913 | 800 BBS List (August 1993)
| 800list.txt | 4176 | The Viking BBS's Bi-Annual 800 BBS List by The Sysop of the Viking BBS
| 800num2.txt | 6294 | The 800 Modem List, by Bruce T. Goldman
| 800num3.txt | 5007 | 800 Modem List, from Bruce T. Goldman
| 800numbr.txt | 2760 | A List of 800 BBSes by The Information Agency
| 800nums.txt | 5296 | Cool 800 Numbers by Kevin Ardoin 1993
| 800ocn.txt | 16811 | 800 BBS List by Bill Huttig
| 819bbslist.txt | 7563 | 819 Area Code BBS List (French) (April 17, 1995)
| 904bbslist.txt | 32464 | Local Board Listing of 904 Area BBSes by Hal Thomas of Darkstar BBS (February 14, 1994)
| 914bbs.txt | 3968 | The Extended 914 BBS List, January 15, 1984
| 915_0395.lst | 6511 | 915 Online: A List of BBSes by Sean Dunbar and The Other Side Version 1.7 (April 1995)
| 915_1294.lst | 7957 | The 915 Online BBS List by Sean Dunbar and TOS Online Services Revision 1.4 (December, 1994)
| 919bbs-2.txt | 9654 | 919 Area Code (Raleigh, NC) BBS Listing, (June 25, 1991)
| 96-usa.txt | 264153 | 96-USA BBS List: US BBS's Supporting 9600 Connect Rates, from the 9600 BBS (1993)
| 9600apple18.txt | 10739 | The Complete 9600bps Apple List by The Byter (March, 1988)
| 9600apple2198808.txt | 14719 | The Complete 9600 bps Apple ][/IIGS List Version 2.02 August, 1988
| 9600bpsal198808.txt | 14719 | The Complete 9600 bps Apple ][/IIGS List Version 2.02 August, 1988
| 96bb0191.lst | 109896 | World Wide 9600 BPS BBS List, by Dave Schubert and Mark Montgomery (1990)
| 96intro.txt | 10848 | An Introduction to the 9600 Baud BBS List, Maintained by The DownTown BBS (1993)
| 96intro93.txt | 8088 | An Introduction to the 9600 Baud BBS List, Maintained by The DownTown BBS (1993)
| 96list.txt | 273526 | BBS's Supporting 9600 bps CONNECT Rates (List)
| 96listj1.txt | 251867 | The 9600bps BBS List (September 1, 1991)
| 96source.lst | 4054 | List of BBSes Holding the 9600 BBS List (1993)
| 96source93.lst | 5953 | List of BBSes Holding the 9600 BBS List (1993)
| a2system1991.txt | 3619 | The Apple II Systems List Volume 1 Number 1 by Synthetic Genius (September 22, 1991)
| abbl-64l.txt | 46300 | The Atlanta Bulletin Board List Revision #64 by Nick Nicholson & Marshall Brown (April 15, 1995)
| abbl.txt | 2611 | What is Up with the Atlanta BBS List
| abn09.lst | 50190 | The Netherlands BBS List (Algemene BBSlijst Nederland), Last Edition (September, 2001)
| addyours.2us | 3783 | Instructions for adding your BBS to the Ameriboards BBS List (1992)
| ae.txt | 5120 | AE Line List from the Basement BBS (201 Area Code) (1985)
| aelines.txt | 2516 | A Circulating AE Directory, from The Diner (March 26, 1984)
| aelist.txt | 4736 | Charlie Pirate's AE List (5/28/85)
| akbbs.txt | 5808 | Alaska, Anchorage Bulletin Boards as of 4/19/89
| american.lst | 191760 | The Ameriboards BBS List Issue #2 (April 1, 1992)
| apple.bbs | 15488 | International Apple II BBS List, by Mike Shecket (April 1994)
| apple9308.txt | 14535 | International Apple II BBS List by Mike Shecket (August 2, 1993)
| apple9309.txt | 14827 | International Apple II BBS List by Mike Shecket (August 31, 1993)
| apple9310.txt | 14818 | International Apple II BBS List by Mike Shecket (September 30, 1993)
| apple9312.txt | 14599 | International Apple II BBS List by Mike Shecket (December 18, 1993)
| apple9401.txt | 14941 | International Apple II BBS List by Mike Shecket (January 1, 1994)
| apple9402.txt | 15213 | International Apple II BBS List by Mike Shecket (February 12, 1994)
| apple9404.txt | 15281 | International Apple II BBS List by Mike Shecket (March 8, 1994)
| apple9405.txt | 15483 | International Apple II BBS List by Mike Shecket (May 5, 1994)
| apple9406.txt | 15962 | |