MAGICKNET TOPOLOGY: The following is the list of all known and autho- rized bulletin board systems that carry the MagickNet. Any FidoNet- compatible BBS (or point mailer) in a city that is already serviced by MagickNet node may pick up the MagickNet echos by contacting the nearest node and agreeing to the terms of the MagickNet Policy (see MAG-POL.ARC or MAG-POL.TXT on any MagickNet node). To obtain MagickNet in a new city, you must get permission from the MagickNet Coordinator. Not all of these BBS's may have chosen to make the MagickNet echos avail- able to the public. BBS's marked with an asterisk ("*") ÿmay be reached via PC-Pursuit. - J. Brad Hicks MagickNet Coordinator 11215 Sugartrail, St. Louis, MO 63136 FidoNet node 1:100/523 Data phone: 1-314-741-2231, 2400 bps TOPOLOGY (NET/NODE) CITY, ST BBS NAME PHONE Ú 100/523 St. Louis, MO WeirdBase 314-389-9973 ³ Ã 104/610 Northglen, CO The 8th Sea 303-252-9235 * ³ ³ Ã 104/18 Federal Hts, CO Eusebiea Fido 303-430-8376 * ³ ³ ³ À 102/744 Los Angeles, CA Cult Monitor 213-876-9343 * ³ ³ ³ À 107/539 Hoboken, NJ Comp. Connections 201-798-0065 ³ ³ Ã 104/20 Denver, CO Day's End 303-650-5636 * ³ ³ ³ À 104/93 Boulder, CO Adelante 303-443-8292 * ³ ³ Ã 104/55 Aurora, CO Masterwork Opus 303-341-6614 * ³ ³ Ã 104/739 Parker, CO The Phoenix 303-841-9570 * ³ ³ À 104/904 Englewood, CO PCjr Net 303-789-4610 * ³ Ã 109/728 Alexandria, VA TIDMADT 703-370-7054 ³ ³ Ã 109/115 Falls Church, VA Arquimedes 703-698-8230 ³ ³ Ã 109/606 Washington, DC The Blowtorch 202-686-9398 * ³ ³ Ã 109/712 Fairfax, VA Zonzr East BBS 407-894-0807 ³ ³ À 363/9 Orlando, FL MaMaB 407-894-0807 ³ Ã 141/222 Monroe, CT Excelsior AIBBS 203-268-1222 ³ ³ À 141/375 Trumbull, CT Li'l Frog 203-268-3111 ³ Ã 322/210 Pepperell, MA IBM Tech Fido 617-433-8452 * ³ ³ Ã 101/115 Westwood, MA Rainbows Edge 617-551-0495 * ³ ³ Ã 101/196 Wellesley, MA Heath Users Grp 617-237-1511 * ³ ³ Ã 101/667 Cambridge, MA Viking Magic 617-354-2171 * ³ ³ À 15/7 Sandy, UT Last Byte/PCB 801-561-1643 ³ À 382/7 Austin, TX Black Ice 512-495-6414 ³ Ã 382/1 Lake Travis, TX Crystal Palace 512-339-8037 ³ À 382/2 Pflugerville, TX Touchstone 512-834-0263 Ã 161/93 Berkeley, CA ThelemaNet 415-548-0163 * ³ Ã 102/862 Los Angeles, CA Tahuti Net 213-258-5724 * ³ Ã 103/602 Rowland Hts, CA House Atreides 818-965-7220 * ³ ³ Ã 103/501 Tustin, CA Mt. Silverthorn 714-544-3369 ³ ³ ³ À 103/507 Anaheim, CA Philosophers Log 714-535-1258 ³ ³ À 103/503 Tustin, CA Astro-Net 714-662-2294 ³ Ã 107/293 Brooklyn, NY BaphoNet 718-499-9277 ³ Ã 107/416 Toms River, NJ Metatek Fido 201-286-2567 ³ À 161/414 Kauai, HI Kauai2 808-337-9280 À 282/341 Minneapolis, MN Terraboard 612-721-8967 * Ã 124/109 Carrollton, TX The Diplomat 214-416-2162 * ³ Ã 124/106 Dallas, TX Chai Way II 214-250-3323 * ³ Ã 124/214 Dallas, TX Chrysalis 214-907-1001 * ³ À 137/12 Sarasota, FL American United 813-378-1077 * Ã 139/640 Appleton, WI Fox Valley Tech 414-735-2513 À 147/4 Okla. City, OK Project:Opus 405-848-2828 The following systems were formerly reported as carrying the MagickNet echos, but appear to have dropped their old links: NET/NODE CITY, ST BBS NAME PHONE 120/70 Sterling Hts, MI Plato's Retreat 313-978-7288 120/74 Sterling Hts, MI Magic Unicorn 313-979-8939 226/50 Columbus, OH The Book Club 614-864-4518 13/18 Honesdale, PA Freedom Network 717-253-4354 18/17 Huntsville, AL Liberty BBS 205-837-6082 19/12 Altus, OK Tinbrain's BBS 405-477-3135 125/696 San Mateo, CA WallyWorld 415-349-6969 153/105 Maple Ridge, BC Agora 604-463-4811 153/117 Vancouver, BC Arcane 604-228-8276 104/51 Denver, CO P2 B2 S 303-329-3337 382/10 Austin, TX Forbidden Planet 512-836-7117