Sysop Questionairre - to list your bbs in the bbs lists NO MORE TIC DISTRIBUTION - PLEASE FREQ "DFW" from 1:130/607 - SEE BOTTOM ************************************************************************ PLEASE RETURN AS "YOUR_BOARD_NAME.FRM" (example: sanctum.frm) Files sent as SYSOP.FRM may be overwritten by other incoming forms! ************************************************************************ Send this completed form to any of the following to be listed: FIDO: 1:130/607 Internet: or call direct: SECOND SANCTUM "metro" 817 467-1175 - use SYSOP SURVEY there! Your information will appear in the next available edition! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS LISTING IS ** ONLY ** FOR SYSTEMS WHICH OPERATE 24 HOURS DAILY! Part-time bbs's will not be listed. Entry in this list will subject your number to calls at any hour of the day and night, for several months/years to come. NO BBS INVOLVED IN KNOWN ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES WILL BE LISTED. We reserve the right to refuse list inclusion to any board or sysop known to engage in the spread of illegal online activity of any kind. Inclusion in this bbs list is a priviledge, not a right. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Please answer the following questions so we may correctly place your bbs in the DFW BBS LIST and PRINTED PUBLICATIONS. Some of your answers will be used for Demographic info by the sysop. and WILL NOT be used for any public display. 1. What is your real name, and what is today's date? 1. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Where did you hear of Second Sanctum? (For our stats only) 2. _____________________________________________________________________ In accordance to the conventions found at the bottom of each D\FW list, the words "THE" and "BBS" will not be included as part of the name of any listed bbs. We KNOW you are a bbs, and it makes no real sense to have all boards in D/FW listed under letter "T" in an alphabetical list! 3. What is the name of your BBS? 3. _____________________________________________________________________ 4. What BBS SOFTWARE does your board run with? (Version not important) 4. _____________________________________________________________________ Most sysops are extraordinarily responsible for the way they conduct themselves online. We want to insure that if your system goes down or changes pertinent information, the list-keeper here will not be blamed for problems caused by your number being published in a circulated list. If your system goes down, your listed number will continue to receive latenight calls until you specifically ask/tell us to remove it from the published, circulated lists. Therefore, to insure you understand the burden of responsibility lies with you in the circulation of this phone number, please indicate your permission to be listed below: 5. Do you give your permission to be listed in the ORIGINAL DFW BBS LISTS? 5. _____________________________________________________________________ 6. For statistical purposes only, what is your age & profession? 6. _____________________________________________________________________ 7. What CITY does this board run out of? 7. _____________________________________________________________________ 8. What is the number to this fine system? (Multinodes, list all lines) 8. _____________________________________________________________________ By "METRO" number, we mean - are you paying ADDITIONAL charges for a special line which can be called from BOTH 214 and 817 prefix, without long distance charges to the caller? You are NOT a metro line unless you pay those "metro line" charges to your local phone company. SO: 9. Do you pay the EXTRA fees to be a METRO number prefix? Which prefix? 9. _______________________________________________________________________ 10. Is this number a CHANGED number for an existing bbs? List old & new # here: 10. _______________________________________________________________________ Part time boards will not be listed in this bbs list. Since this list may linger on in circulation long after it is current, we need to know that you have enough committment to running an online service for us to go to the trouble of listing it/unlisting/renaming etc. If you do not have at least one dedicated modem line, or phone line that only the modem answers, you are not a 24 hour service, we will not list you. This is a courtesy to you and whoever gets your phone number after you, so there will be no hard feelings about midnight (and later) calls... 11. How long have you been online as a ** 24-hour ** service? 11. _______________________________________________________________________ 12. List any network node numbers or I.D.'s for your system... 12. _______________________________________________________________________ 13. What are your high and low modem speeds for this system? 13. _______________________________________________________________________ 14. Are fees (OR DONATIONS) involved for ANY form of access here? 14. _______________________________________________________________________ 15. Do you offer sexual-orientation files and messages? 15. ______________________________________________________________________ 16. Do you offer religious-orientation files and messages? 16. ______________________________________________________________________ 17. Do you offer any commercial or pirated software? 17. ______________________________________________________________________ 18. Do you offer games to download? 18. ______________________________________________________________________ 19. Do you offer games to play through DOORS? 19. ______________________________________________________________________ 20. Do you offer GIF and other picture files? 20. ______________________________________________________________________ 21. Do you offer Utilities? 21. ______________________________________________________________________ 22. Do you allow the use of fake names (handles)? 22. ______________________________________________________________________ Most boards these days offer quite a bit MORE than the "same old" expected collections of games, graffiti, doors, networks, pictures, files and messages. The best boards now have strong themes which make the bbs unique, interesting and useful to a particular group or special interest. You have 5 lines of text description in the BBS List to tell us what makes your board stand out from the others. If you need more room, add extra lines but please try to outline your specialties in a simple, brief summary. Your own words placed here will be quoted so write EXACTLY the description you want printed. 1) _____________________________________________________________ 2) _____________________________________________________________ 3) _____________________________________________________________ 4) _____________________________________________________________ 5) _____________________________________________________________ 23. Will you please remember to notify us here if your board goes DOWN? 23. _____________________________________________________________________ 24.Will you please remember to notify us here if your bbs info CHANGES? 24. _____________________________________________________________________ Mark Robbins will edit in your info to the lists during the next edit! PLEASE DO NOT re-add the same info here for three (3) months, unless your bbs information CHANGES during that time. THANKS! You are hereby invited and encouraged to use the DFW BBS LISTS, both the short list and full "extended text" editions, as BULLETINS and as FILE TRANSFERS on your own online system, if you will use the most current edition to display and circulate from your system! 25. Would you be interested in carrying BBS LIST updates on your board? 25. _____________________________________________________________________ As of 6/15/95, we will no longer send out the BBS LISTS via FIDO TIC distribution. The reason for this is simple: many sysops will not report down systems and as a result, new BBS's are allocated old FIDO node #s. The newest DFW BBS LIST is then sent to the new bbs "uninvited" and for whatever reason, some people get angry beyond reason when they receive the file. (Don't ask why, it is free and they can simply delete it if they don't want it). In any case, we are now asking that you FREQ the most current bbs list from 1:130/609 using magic filename "DFW" and there is no need for a session password to get the list. We also serve as a distribution point for the US BBS LIST and you may FREQ the new updates by using magic word "USBBS". Send your FREQ requests to us any time, 24 hour hours any day. Please carry the bbs lists on your board for your users! We appreciate your use of the lists online as both BULLETINS and FILE TRANSFERS. The MOST CURRENT BBS LIST is always freely available as a file download from the distribution source: PCBoard Second Sanctum 817-467-1175. This listing is regularly registered with the U.S. Library of Congress Copyright Office, to serve as an official, legal, & historical record of D/FW area online activity. All Rights Reserved by Mark Robbins. *****************************************************