Betrayal at Krondor Cheat - Version 1.0 Written by Null Set - your friendly neighborhood cracker. This cheat can provide two different powers to your characters. First, your characters may be made invulnerable to all attacks (invincibility mode). Second, and most fun, you may give your characters the power of the Death Stare (tm). Some opponents will just drop dead from your characters awesome aura of power. The stonger ones (or stupider ones) will need to be struck by your blade before they feel your gaze's awesome effects. Note that some poor souls may be so terrified by your gaze that their hearts will stop while they stand ready to attack. Even though these poor laddies appear standing, they are truly dead. If this is your first time using this great Null Set product, then *PLEASE* read the notes (menu option 6) before doing anything else. {} IMPORTANT: The way Betrayal at Krondor was written does not leave much to guide a cheat program. So, it is possible that this cheat might use the Death Stare (tm) on your characters or might make your opponents invincible. If this seems to happen, then the cheat has failed and may be useless for you. Please contact me if this does happen because I'd like to see it! ALSO IMPORTANT: If you leave this Betrayal at Krondor cheat installed and later run the original game without the cheat, the game will hang your computer. To run the original game without the cheat, you must first UNinstall the cheat (menu option 3). {} MEMORY PROBLEMS: This cheat is rather large at around 16k, so if you cannot run Betrayal at Krondor through the cheat, then I suggest letting the install program making a boot disk for you, booting from it, and then running the cheat. COPY PROTECTION: It appears that neither I nor anyone else can find the protection in this game. If you do find it, please document EXACTLY where it is, attach a saved game, and get that info to me so I can bust it fast! INVINCIBLE MODE NOTE: I was most likely NOT able to anticipate every every possible way that your characters can get hurt (I know that they should be invulnerable during battle and to chest traps). However, there are certainly going to be some things that still hurt you. For example, I know that your chracters will still lose Stamina when they are fatigued. This cheat is to aid in solving the game -- not as a brain substitue! {} On a more personal note, what have I been doing lately? Good question... Well, I'm a working man now, so thats partially why I haven't been on the scene as much lately. I also just moved to a new area and there's lots of new stuff to go and do. I will say that I was not aware of what really took place during the splitting of INC and all. So because of my ignorance and lack of being "big into it" (for the moment), I have decided to remain neutral to all groups and instead will work on anything that (almost) anyone gives me. So, the long and short of this is, if you got something that needs to be done, gimme a buzz and perhaps we can strike a deal... {} Big Thanks To Orion for getting this one out to me! Big bad Greets go out to: Orion - How about that access to your board ;-> The Undefined Being - Gimme my memory back you slug :-) The Cracksmith - Err... well... what the heck is your handle now? My Old INC Brethren - Hope all is well... Butafuco! (spell?) - You know who you are! Hope you enjoy my latest work... As always, if you find a problem, look for me on your favorite BBS and let me know about it! Thats all for now -- see you in my next project! -{}