Hi, this is a note asking for help from THE HUMBLE GUYS. We are in need of computer hardware at all times, but at the present time, we desperately need a 9600 baud HST compatible modem. What we are hoping is that some of you, our loyal fans out there will have some equipment you can give to us to help with the cause. The Gooch, one of our crackers is without a modem right now, and we are hoping that someone out there with an extra HST, or an old one they have upgraded or something will give their old 9600 to us so that Gooch can call out again. Its vital that he be able to call out. If you are a fan of THE HUMBLE GUYS, and want to help out in a tangible way as your way of saying thanks, please send us anything and everything you think we will find useful. Mail to THE HUMBLE GUYS PO Box 24541 Nashville Tn 37202 Thanks a lot for all the mail we get, and thanks for your help! The Humble Guys!