Capture file opened 21-May-1994 09:41p ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ RINGING CONNECT 2400 ÿYes FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK RIP Bluebeep Today's date is: Sat May 21 21:52:15 1994 Last caller was: Raven [102] Logged off at: Sat May 21 16:42:01 1994 __ __|\ |\ ___ __|\ _____ |\ / / ___ |\ ___ ___ ___ / /| |/\ | |/ _ \ / /| /_ \/| | |/ //\ / _ \| |/ _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / / |ø| \| | |_\ / / |:| | |\/ |_| / / \ \ | \ \ø< |_\/| |_\/|:| \ \ \ \ ||| | _ \ \ ||| | | | _ \ \ / / |_/ /||\__ \| _\ ||| / / \ \|:| |\ | | | |\ \|ø| | | | | | |\ \\/| /|:|/\_| > |_/\|ø|/ / \__/| | \/| | |/ \__/ |/ |_| |/ \/ |_|\_\|/ \___/ \___/ \__/ \| | | : ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ : \| / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ : |ø|_\ | | \/| | \/|:|_\/< |_\/< |_\/ [Node 0] || _ | | | | || _\ \__ \ \__ \ Est 1990 |:| | | |_/\| |_/\|ø|_/\ /\_| >/\_| > | | |/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ | | : \| KP2+440636706467+ST : Online 10.00pm-7.00am GMT Operating at 3oo/12oo/24oo bps transmission rates BrItAiNs LaRgEsT cOmPuTeR uNdErGrOuNd ReSeArCh BoArD Newark, Nottinghamshire, England SysOp: Phantasm Enter account number, handle or '0' to logon as NEW. Logon:82 Password:****** Account: [82] Handle: Znote Name: PhoneNo: Status: 2 Protocol: Zmodem Credits: Unlimited K's U/L: 148 K's D/L: 184 Age: 0 Computer: IBM or clone Messages: 62 MailSent: 2 Mail Rec: 13 Last On: Wed May 18 02:59:19 1994 LastBaud: 2400 This is your call number 51 to the system. Checking your mailbox... Sorry, no mail for you today. Scan new message posts (y/n)? Yes Area: General Mail Number: [22] of [50] Title: all From: Orlando [120] Time: Sun May 22 22:42:13 1994 Hi all, what's up. Anyone know where i can get cheap scanner/file on making blue bok bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [23] of [50] Title: janet pad access From: Shadow [13] Time: Mon May 23 03:08:47 1994 ok dude here we go for janet access telnet to this ad >>> login >>>>janet<<<< password >>>>janet<<<<< then try this ad for the niss bbs ad>>>><<< ope this help ya out leave me mail if you want to swap sites on here or mail me at bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [24] of [50] Title: x.25 access From: Shadow [13] Time: Mon May 23 03:11:17 1994 can any one help me with a gateway from internet to x.25? or any direct dialups for x.25 were i can use visa on line ? bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [25] of [50] Title: BBS From: Phantasm [1] Time: Mon May 23 18:10:12 1994 Should I upgrade to Ami-Express v3.37 when the Hayes Optima 28.8k is installed? I also plan on purchasing a Supra 28MHz accelerator card in a few weeks time. Phantasm (SysOp) bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [26] of [50] Title: Loops From: PaRanOia [23] Time: Mon May 23 22:31:49 1994 Ok phantasm,thanks for that...i seem to remember a friend mentioning that they put filters on them..just I really need one so i can set up a conference.. if anyoen has a workin' one lemme know! bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [27] of [50] Title: Modem From: PaRanOia [23] Time: Mon May 23 22:33:50 1994 shit man...where did you get the offer for that modem?I wouldnt mind oen and might consider it if i could.. BTW..I might be able to donate soemthing soon as I get off me arse to get a new modem and flog my old one.. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [28] of [50] Title: credit checking From: PaRanOia [23] Time: Mon May 23 22:35:10 1994 GK,id liek those #'s for them CC checkin lines etc if possible.. thanks, bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [29] of [50] Title: SunOS hole From: SlacJac [109] Time: Tue May 24 00:26:50 1994 For ne1 without a usenet feed ive up'ed a posting from alt.2600 that details anew holefound in SunOS....hope its usefull.... -SJ bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [30] of [50] Title: modem/a500 From: SlacJac [109] Time: Tue May 24 00:29:26 1994 i really need a fast modem so if ne1 wants to swap one (9600 orfaster if pos) ill swap one for an a500 in Checkmat casing (external keyboard etc) and may throw a few bits in as well (old modems, DDs and anything else i can lay my hands on)... Chrz -SJ bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [31] of [50] Title: janet pad access From: George King [87] Time: Tue May 24 05:22:00 1994 Whoever was on about => janet access, WATCH OUT they log a hell of a lot of stuff travels through that gateway..I have lost a couple of sites doing that. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [32] of [50] Title: credit checking From: George King [87] Time: Tue May 24 05:24:54 1994 Paranoia here's the number u want: Transax 0800 424 949 Merchant no. 3180379 Code 1 means the transaction is ok. Oh and if they ask, you work in W. H. smith's :) P.s. if they don't do the carrds u want, let me know bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [33] of [50] Title: clock From: Phantasm [1] Time: Mon May 16 22:18:17 1994 Sorry about my internal clock fucking about recently. It seems to be working fine again now, so let me know if anything weird happens. Thanks to Oregon Kowboy for informing me about this problem, Phantasm (SysOp) P.S. Should recieve the Optima on Friday. Also, Ami-Express v3.38 is on its way... All I need now is some extra RAM and the accelerator card. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [34] of [50] Title: boxing back 2 the uk From: Flash [172] Time: Tue May 17 00:29:32 1994 Blackthorn: Okay, a few questions. How come the code for the US is 1 so you dial 1+0+acn+st and the code for Taiwan is 886 and you dial 886+8+acn+st, BUT you say the 44 code for the UK isn't part of what you dial??? Are you just bullshitting to throw us off the scent?? AND how come you said kp isn't used, but Znote said it is? Hmmmm. Oh yeah, why/how does changing 272 with 179 work, and how did you work that out? Come on, gimme some help! Flash. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [35] of [50] Title: boxing back 2 the uk From: Znote [82] Time: Tue May 17 04:30:16 1994 Since its an internal routing code u dont need 44, KP2 IS used. Its a digital ISDN network which will come into force after phoneday (thats the current thought) ... Lines are better than when paying for it ... I am calling here now using it ... Z bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply elete Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [36] of [50] Title: all From: Dizzy [146] Time: Tue May 17 23:43:12 1994 TO ORLANDO (120), FROM DIZZY. I HAVE BLUE BOX PLANS IF YOU WANT THEM LEAVE A MESSAGE FOR ME IN MY MAIL BOX. FROM DIZZY bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [37] of [50] Title: hmmm From: st00pid jErk [109] Time: Wed May 18 00:47:53 1994 there was a prog on tv tonight about the biggest robbery ever (292 mil in bearer bonds) and at the end briefly touched on one of the robbers girlfriends, being a pooter expert, plundering accounts on various famous ppl. was on the CMD (?) net, a net used for trading in the 'city'. was there ever a report on this in any of the usual journals? id never heard of this b4. was i asleep at the time? seemed to happed around 1989-90 bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [38] of [50] Title: V.32bis Modem or 96 From: Jono Bono [194] Time: Wed May 18 01:49:27 1994 You could have got your spelling right! what's a Ploker or Bord, here give me back my 90 quid and I'll give you Spella lezzons, err! . Also I have uploaded a file for you, see your private mail bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [39] of [50] Title: 28.8k modem dons From: Jono Bono [194] Time: Wed May 18 01:53:34 1994 How about we send bits in and you sell them second-hand, a lot of users may not want to give direct cash, but may quite happly send you simms etc. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [40] of [50] Title: blue box From: Hack10f [79] Time: Wed May 18 22:10:03 1994 Hie Ya Dudes Boxing to Uk + usa Is fucked does any one know any routing codes ive only found that you can still box to hiwia holalulou if any intrest its (KP2)10808+NUMBER(ST) IF ANY OF YOU WANT TO BOX TO HAWIE..HO.HO bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [41] of [50] Title: turbo p 7 From: /\STERiX [88] Time: Wed May 18 23:35:23 1994 AC Assasin, Hi m8, thanks alot!! If you could upload the source code for me I would really appreciate it!!! The hanging up should be okay to sort if I can use your source to figure out how to access the serial port!! Thanks!!! L/\ter..... ===> /\STERiX / ALPHA FLIGHT <=== bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [42] of [50] Title: Hayes Optima 28.8k From: /\STERiX [88] Time: Wed May 18 23:37:57 1994 Hello Mr. Phantasm, If you want a *VERY* good bbs package supporting the new VFAST standards then C-NEt (v2.35 is very good for a 500) and supports all speeds to 192oo. I have the wb2+ version which will support the new 28.8k but you will need an A1200 because the A500 serial port can only xfer data at 31840 which is not a valid standard!! ===> /\STERiX / ALPHA FLiGHT <=== bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [43] of [50] Title: internet/irc From: /\STERiX [88] Time: Wed May 18 23:39:06 1994 The best way I now of getting on to internet using CC's which ALWAYS works is to use CIX (081-390-1255), create an account and you get internet access until the accnt is checked!! ===> ASTERiX / ALPHA FLiGHT <=== bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [44] of [50] Title: UA BBS IRC Meet From: /\STERiX [88] Time: Wed May 18 23:40:52 1994 I am definitely up for a UA-BBS IRC meet.... Hope more people turno up than last year!!! hehehe ;-).... Hey Phantasm... I am driving myself now so you won#t have to pick me up again ;-) ===> ASTERiX / ALPHA FLiGHT <=== bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [45] of [50] Title: Boxing Phucked, Trun From: Jono Bono [194] Time: Thu May 19 02:41:47 1994 Hi all, we'll all blueboxers, there has been a routing change, no US or UK via KP2 12 etc. I will be hacking to find new routes if you beet me to it, please post me a message or public post ....Jono bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [46] of [50] Title: boxing back 2 the uk From: Blackthorn [117] Time: Fri May 20 22:43:01 1994 flash: well it dont matter now. boxing is dead..RIP :(.. and the reason why it died was due to to many people boxing in the Uk, that comes from a BT Engineer...heh well about the 179, i never found that out, am8 did he was calling a board is southwales, and somehow got to a bristol number..its fucking strange but it did work bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [47] of [50] Title: Hi again! From: Russl [101] Time: Sat May 21 00:12:22 1994 Sorry I haven't been back but a couple of things threw me. 1./ I work away, in fact i'm away from 22nd 'til next month, & 2/ i've been trying to log on but but i've just found out you don't go on line 'til 2200hrs. This is difficult for me 'cos I'm normally in thepub from 2100hrs, and can't be arsed after that. I'm going to log off now but will be back after my next tour, in 2 weeks, hope you'll have me. I'm sorting out some stuff to upload . I'm really interested, as I've siad, in other systems and I reall would like to know the basics of cracking game codes Thanx Russ > . bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [48] of [50] Title: meetings From: st00pid jErk [109] Time: Sat May 21 00:43:01 1994 any more news on an IRC meeting? is there another hacktic con this summer? bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [49] of [50] Title: Cards From: Flash [172] Time: Sat May 21 01:01:09 1994 Does anyone know of any 0800 dialups where you can pay via credit cards other than 890 456, when I use that I always get a shit line, I've tried the ones in the phone book but they always ask me for a PIN for the Visa card(?) Flash. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: General Mail Number: [50] of [50] Title: Boxing Phucked, Trun From: THC [76] Time: Sat May 21 02:37:57 1994 Yeah.. bluboxing.. fucked or just a temp setback? .. To my mind, if you can break the line, then with the appropriate routing coeds, you can dail wherever.. just a question of cracking the little fuckers! :> Some1 suggested that KP2 +46 works for Sweded, 47 for Germany and 33(?) for France.. can't confirm this.. tried but no joy :( .. THC bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Current board is: General Mail bort ist ew

ost uit ead Board 1 choice? Quit to next Area: Market Place Number: [49] of [50] Title: For sale From: /\STERiX [88] Time: Wed May 18 23:47:52 1994 Hi all... I got two A500#s with an external drive, each with 1MB RAM and an internal clock on one. Action replay MKIII aswell... Both KS1.3 one of them has ECS chips .... any offers mail /\STERIX bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Market Place Number: [50] of [50] Title: laser From: Bigboy [35] Time: Thu May 19 23:54:14 1994 I am looking for a cheap laser printer if anyone can get me one please mail me as soon as. Bigboy. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Current board is: Market Place bort ist ew

ost uit ead Board 2 choice? Quit to next Area: Computer Hacking Number: [47] of [50] Title: Hack From: PaRanOia [23] Time: Mon May 23 22:41:58 1994 heres some 891 carriers you may or may not have... 0800 891- 012 018 038 048 116 131 140 182 455 bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Computer Hacking Number: [48] of [50] Title: elite pad From: Maelstrom [39] Time: Mon May 16 02:20:20 1994 0800 892916...elite pad thing... bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Computer Hacking Number: [49] of [50] Title: LanRover From: st00pid jErk [109] Time: Wed May 18 00:44:39 1994 has ne1 had any experience on hacking these babies? lanrover is a piece of h/w that allows external connection to a novell net. having loaded IPX on your machine you dial the lanrover and it conects you as a machine on tht net. passwords are optional....sounds promising. any thoughts? bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Computer Hacking Number: [50] of [50] Title: Hack From: /\STERiX [88] Time: Wed May 18 23:50:33 1994 Here are a couple of 0800#s 0800-896 100 Government computer shit displayed at commect 032 Try this... Get the prompt 'Hello' ===> ASTERiX / ALPHA FLiGHT <=== bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Current board is: Computer Hacking bort ist ew

ost uit ead Board 3 choice? Quit to next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [14] of [50] Title: BTmanuals From: Scribla [140] Time: Sun May 22 23:48:46 1994 Can anyone use snippets of the folling BT Manuals ? 1 Customer apparatus diagrams, Selection A 2 Quality in the overhead network ???? 3 Line extenders 4 ISIS Trading Handbook ???? 5 200 pages of Customer Field Notes 6 CA & L Service Flash Selection 7 1+1 Subscriber Carrier System. (WB 900) If anyone can use this shit let me know, i will type/scan it and post on this board. ..ooOO ScrIbLA OOoo.. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [15] of [50] Title: &^%&^@% From: Phantasm [1] Time: Mon May 23 18:06:17 1994 Anyone noticed that all lines which became un-seizable last month can now be siezed again? Isn't this a little weird? Also, how long has it been possible to blue box back to the U.K. Most people seem to have only found out about this during the last couple of months. Phantasm (SysOp) bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [16] of [50] Title: boxing From: Znote [82] Time: Mon May 23 21:57:25 1994 about the 0500892850 it was me that discovered that ... its Morrison Construction in St Petersberg Russia, U can break it with 24/26 and pink noise ... Nothing to interesting though :< ... Z bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply elete Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [17] of [50] Title: boxing From: Znote [82] Time: Mon May 23 21:58:13 1994 Cher, its not been North Korea since Sept 93 when Morrsion took it over (the great social engineer that I am :>) bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply elete Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [18] of [50] Title: boxing back 2 the uk From: Znote [82] Time: Mon May 23 22:00:38 1994 Boxing to the Uk is easy ... Kp2-xxx-numba-ST ... cant dial my number in Glasgow and cant dial the Tango line 0990112233 and cant dial any United Artists / Mercury / CellNet / Mobile numbers (and all 071's dont work) you need to dial at 35ms to dial correctly ... Z bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply elete Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [19] of [50] Title: Loops From: PaRanOia [23] Time: Mon May 23 22:43:43 1994 /\sterix..thanks for that loop i will test it out and hopefully use it soon.. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [20] of [50] Title: boxing back 2 the uk From: PaRanOia [23] Time: Mon May 23 22:49:30 1994 blackthorne...if you coule mail me with the line #'s your brekain to dial back to the UK id be grateful..are they just the normal 890 ops or what? bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [21] of [50] Title: &^%&^@% From: PaRanOia [23] Time: Mon May 23 22:50:47 1994 Can somebody please tell me soem info on boxin to the UK please? thanks.. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [22] of [50] Title: RoxBoxUK v6.68 From: Scribla [140] Time: Mon May 23 23:58:43 1994 Roxbox v6.68 is now been uploaded to the New uploads. New version, more countries to box via also includes "BoxFromUK" Op on the menu. Enjoy..... ..ooOO ScRIbLA OOoo.. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [23] of [50] Title: RoxBoxUK v6.68 From: Phantasm [1] Time: Tue May 24 07:45:39 1994 Rox Box is crap. Unlimited Access Dialer v4.0 is totally configurable, unlike any version of Rox Box I have seen. Also, Anyone built that blue box circuit for the Amiga serial port? Phantasm (SysOp) bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [24] of [50] Title: boxing back 2 the uk From: Archaos [104] Time: Sun May 15 22:43:57 1994 Hmm...I don't know about the method that u are using Blackthorn....Ihave managed to box back to the UK using international ops by way of : KP2-XX-Y-ZZZZZZZZZ-ST where XX is the country code and Y is the Identification (I think), Anyway the country code for the UK is not 44 as you might think - I won't tell the number used , as said before, it is more of an acheivement to work it out yerself. It seems to work on all numbers I have tried so far.... BTW. As Phantasm pointed out...the exchanges that became unseizeable have now become siezeable onmce more....Hmmm, is there something to to worry about by boxing on the se numbers or not? Who makes the loss out of phreaking? BT or the remote telco? Has anyone got any idea as to how BT wopuld detect us boxers? Archaos... bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [25] of [50] Title: Portable BB From: Phantasm [1] Time: Mon May 16 22:14:41 1994 I am visiting a friend on Friday to start work on a portable blue box unit. The circuit is from an old issue of TAP (classic 1970s phone phreak newsletter) and is built around two 555 timers. The only frequencies which need to be added are 2600/2400Hz and 2400/2400Hz. We hope to use a normal phone keypad with * producing 2400/2600, 2400/2400Hz and # producing the tones for Key Pulse 2. The guy who we are meeting is supposed to be an electronics wizard, so lets hope it's true! Phantasm (SysOp) bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [26] of [50] Title: boxing back 2 the uk From: SJC [93] Time: Mon May 16 22:58:32 1994 Well now I think that I could be in with a shout here.... Is the id code a 1 or a zero. If you can tell us that much it does narrow it down a bit. I only have to scan the other 99 then to get the right code..... ho hum bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [27] of [50] Title: Portable BB From: SJC [93] Time: Mon May 16 23:02:25 1994 I always thought that the tones required had to be sinusoidal. The good old 555 generates a square wave. I suppose it could sound pretty similar though. I have some electronics experience so if I can help just shout. I wondered about using one of these Casio FX730 computers to drive some hardware to produce a handheld box. Does anybody know whet the pin outs are on the rear. Anyway just a thought ...... bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [28] of [50] Title: boxing back 2 the uk From: Blackthorn [117] Time: Mon May 16 23:40:30 1994 Znote..yep it is v V strange. take the 272 area code as an example you can only dial a few numbers in bristol with 272 but if u replace this with 179 u can call nearly all others apart from my xchange :( and UA lines.. but you can call Videotron numbers in london.. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [29] of [50] Title: boxing back 2 the uk From: Blackthorn [117] Time: Mon May 16 23:41:18 1994 Paranoia..The norm is up 2 u! bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [30] of [50] Title: boxing back 2 the uk From: Blackthorn [117] Time: Mon May 16 23:44:14 1994 Archaos... tell me something with your way can u dial 272 499432, a number which i scannned a while back. but can not call with the box, if u can u have a different method..also can u call other countries? bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [31] of [50] Title: Boxing Back to UK From: SJC [93] Time: Tue May 17 22:25:36 1994 Well I finally managed to sus it out. Thanks for all the pointers. Now all I need to do is build a jolly box. Wheres the plans ??? bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [32] of [50] Title: boxing back 2 the uk From: Archaos [104] Time: Tue May 17 23:13:49 1994 Use the same ID code as for boxing to US...just different couintry code (at least, thats what I do...) Archaos. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [33] of [50] Title: boxing back 2 the uk From: Archaos [104] Time: Tue May 17 23:15:35 1994 Blackthorn, will try this number and let you know...Ill also try some other countries - anyone know any numbers in countries aart from UK and US? ARchaos. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [34] of [50] Title: Warning??? From: Archaos [104] Time: Tue May 17 23:21:03 1994 Found this message on the usenet group alt.2600 - Seems to be a warning about some sort of scanning BT are installing. Anyway here it is : > From uknet!!!!!urmel > Article: 9200 of alt.2600 > Newsgroups: alt.2600 > Path:!uknet!!!xlink. > From: (Simon Cooke) > Subject: UK phone warning > Message-ID: > Lines: 9 > Sender: (News Service) > Organization: Dept of EE & E, UMIST > Date: Mon, 16 May 1994 15:16:38 GMT > > BT are installing new SCAN systems in all their exchanges. > > Might not be a good idea to play sieze tones for a while. > > > +----------------INTERNET: CSL@FS2.EE.UMIST.AC.UK------------------- > | Blood Succour: Another name for a helpful vampire??? :) > | "The Chronos Theorem" -- Update: 80 pages and holding > +------------------JANET: CSL@UK.AC.UMIST.EE.FS2-------------------- > Can anyone tell me what a SCAN system is and if this is true and somethinbg to worry about? Archaos. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [35] of [50] Title: boxing back 2 the uk From: Znote [82] Time: Wed May 18 02:18:10 1994 Archoas ... Here we go ... --- KP2-XXX-X-NUMBER-ST = UK Numbers KP2- 1-X-NUMBER-ST = USA, Canada, Trinadad, West Indies, Barbados, Hawaii KP2- 27-X-NUMBER-ST = South Africa KP2-354-X-NUMBER-ST = IceLand KP2- 56-X-NUMBER-ST = Chile KP2- 57-X-NUMBER-ST = Columbia KP2-591-X-NUMBER-ST = Bolivia KP2- 62-X-NUMBER-ST = Indonesia KP2- 63-X-NUMBER-ST = Phillapenes KP2- 66-X-NUMBER-ST = Thailand KP2-886-X-NUMBER-ST = Tawian X - Being method of connection (0-cable / 1-satelite) There yah go ... Z bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply elete Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [36] of [50] Title: Warning??? From: Znote [82] Time: Wed May 18 02:19:28 1994 A SCAN system is another attempt to bullshit us into putting our blue boxs away. Forget it until you READ or see in the news some shit about someone ... Z bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply elete Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [37] of [50] Title: Well bugger me!! From: SJC [93] Time: Wed May 18 22:38:44 1994 I just learn how to do it and it gets changed! Bollocks. If anybody finds out the new country codes then please post them. I can not route through to the UK or the USA now. Ho hum............ bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [38] of [50] Title: boxing back 2 the uk From: /\STERiX [88] Time: Wed May 18 23:53:01 1994 Blackthorn, Try KP *** 2272 number ST /\STERiX bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [39] of [50] Title: BTmanuals From: /\STERiX [88] Time: Wed May 18 23:55:16 1994 Re: BTManuals if you would like to checkout the CHAP magazines by the Second Ring BBS all thedocs are in them....mitherphantasm he has them some where!! /\STERiX bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [40] of [50] Title: BT Blue boxing From: Harlequin [99] Time: Fri May 20 00:28:21 1994 Here are some tones I've been given for breaking BT lines... I must say they are un-confirmed and were left for me anonymously. I haven't had much time to play with them, but I got a bleep after the first tone a couple of times... Also, I've been told that this is highly risky as stuff like this can be traced within a few seconds with System Y. Anyway, here's the info exactly as I got it... 2280hz 1000ms bleep 2280hz 80ms before each digit 1740 + 1980hz for 68ms (exact) each digit for 68ms (exact) Uses standard DTMF tones... Have Phun -> Harl <- bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [41] of [50] Title: Profits From: Eck [137] Time: Fri May 20 06:34:02 1994 BT's last year profits, before tax, was 3.86 Billion... News at Eleven. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [42] of [50] Title: Think about how much From: Eck [137] Time: Fri May 20 06:42:50 1994 BT make UNBELIVABLE ammounts of money thru blueBoxers, just think on it 4p from the country EVERY time you call the number (and the defraded countery get the money (or a %age of the money) back from ATT who claim it back from a part of the us govt.) NOT to mentaion all the money they get from sell the filter THEY make to pleaces like germany... If you ask me it would not be in BT's best intrests to skupper BlueBoxers, mabys if all of a sudden BBing made it to the national press, then I'd watch out, but until then as far as I can see BT are making so much money.... Eck bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [43] of [50] Title: boxing back 2 the uk From: Eck [137] Time: Fri May 20 06:45:42 1994 Did anyone ever try (notice the past tense :]) dialing 41-7777xxx-st? all you got was engineers.. you can imaging my supprise when I tryed to call my bbs number and all i got was "Hello Engineers" in a deep scottish voice werid or what? bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [44] of [50] Title: DAROME From: Phantasm [1] Time: Fri May 20 19:11:52 1994 Here is the number for yet another company offering teleconferencing services. Give them a call on 0800-101-610 and be ready with your VISA, AMEX or Mastercard. I recommend calling from a payphone since you will be called back once the other conference members are connected. You may even book a conference in advance and get this --- have your conference recorded on a tape. If anyone is going to try this out, don't forget to have a false company name and address ready. And remember to thank the nice operator for assisting you with your enquiries. :-) Phantasm (SysOp) bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [45] of [50] Title: BT Blue boxing From: Blackthorn [117] Time: Fri May 20 22:50:16 1994 Harlequin i thought it was using the mf2/forward tonez bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [46] of [50] Title: BT Blue boxing From: George King [87] Time: Fri May 20 23:16:44 1994 As regards BT making money on blue boxers, I was given to understand that the foreign countries involved paid a flat rate for their line..that would mean that NO-ONE made money out of it (or lost it either, for that matter..) however, it seems obvious to me that they know (and have always known) who is bbing, they just don't seem to want to prosecute for some reason. Perhaps it's to avoid publicity, or maybe it's a 'better the devil you know' type situation, i.e. they can keep an eye on the guys who are bbing rather than have someone invent a new method of phreaking that they CAN'T keep an eye on..this would also mean that if someone released the next internet worm, theycould go round and arrest him immediately... Then again, maybe that's all complete crap :) - jus speculating bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [47] of [50] Title: BT Blue boxing From: George King [87] Time: Fri May 20 23:25:21 1994 So what IS the score with BBing at the moment then? The lines are still seizable..from what i can gather on here BT have just 'changed the routing codes' this DEFINITELY a measure to try & get rid of blue boxers? Surely the would just have made the lines un-seizable? If they have just changed the codes, is it a good idea to try and scan them out again, or can we expect a knock at the door for our troubles? Does anyone have any info on the possible length/format of the new routing codes? Can I suggest that if people are going to try and scan out the new codes, we organise some sort of scan on here...a division of labour would be a good idea so we can all get back to our 'hobby' asap. Also, if only one or two people have the new codes & start to BB, they are going to stick out like a sore in numbers and all that..what do you lot think? bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [48] of [50] Title: Organise From: SJC [93] Time: Sat May 21 01:10:21 1994 Well I agree with Georges message. We should organise our scanning efforts. To set the ball rolling I have found the following. KP2 118 081 390 1244C The 81 390 1244 bit is CIX this gives the engaged tone KP2 128 081 390 1244C We are sorry your call can not be connected also KP2 xxx where xxx is 138 148 158 198 give some results. Can anybody improve on this. Can anybode guess the new code format. Blue boxing is not dead, we just need to sort the latest problem. If we can break the lines we are 50% of the way there. So lets get to it!!!! bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [49] of [50] Title: Organise From: Gilby [72] Time: Sat May 21 01:57:08 1994 Right .. Here Here !! I think that there must be a way to rout a call through to the US ... I found out that if you dial +10176xxxxxx where xxxxx is anything at all you get an american ring and a number unobtainable message. Also, you can call hawaii with +10808xxxxxxx ... not too interesting you might think but if you call a number and actually connect (ie.8089236333) you can seizi the line again with KP. I have not managed to get it to dial out, but I also managed to find one number in the 808 area which will give the connecting "beep" and then a message saying this number is not on the dial list or someting (Sorry, i forgot the number). Then you don't have to piss people off waiting for them to answer their phones before you can seize and try and dial out. Keep trying everybody ! Eventually we will crack it ... L8tr Gilby/ bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Phone Phreaking Number: [50] of [50] Title: ... From: Hi.T.Moonweed [45] Time: Sat May 21 02:16:36 1994 ok as to the new routing codes this is what i have found.. B1X176+ Bahamas B1X808+ hawaii B57X809+ Columbia B56X994+ Chile B62X178+ Philipines B886X133+ Taiwan B592X770+ Bolivia B27X119+ S.Africa interestingly the Taiwan and philipines routing can be used on 0500-890066 , on that # any other stuff gives me a recorded mesage 'this is mercury international...' .. weird.. oh and if you dont mind engineering operators a little its still easy enough to call anywhere on the old BB.. all you have to do is find the right operators heh.. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Current board is: Phone Phreaking bort ist ew

ost uit ead Board 4 choice? Quit to next Area: Cellular Phreaking Number: [50] of [50] Title: Vodaphone ESN stolen From: Scribla [140] Time: Mon May 23 01:34:02 1994 Anyone know that vodaphone number that checks ESN's and give ya the details you don't have I.E. Call provider, MIN/Phone number, is it barred? regarz ..ooOO sCRIbLA OOoo.. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Current board is: Cellular Phreaking bort ist ew

ost uit ead Board 5 choice? Quit to next Area: o5oo Scan Club Number: [11] of [11] Title: AT&T 0500 dialups From: Znote [82] Time: Mon May 23 22:06:54 1994 Heres my list of the fuckas ... +----------------------------------------------+ | Z-N0TE SCAN (R) 1994 All Rights Reversed ... | +----------------------------------------------+ | Scan Of : (0500)-89X-XXX | | Date : March 1994 | | User : Z-N0TE | +----------------------------------------------+ 0500-890-011 = AT&T USA Direct 0500-890-031 = Int Operator 0500-890-032 = BellerCom Int Service 0500-890-033 = French Telecom ... Cards ? 0500-890-034 = Spanish Telecom 0500-890-039 = Engaged Tone 0500-890-041 = Australian Telecom 0500-890-045 = Denmark Telecom bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply elete Message option? Next Current board is: o5oo Scan Club bort ist ew

ost uit ead Board 6 choice? Quit to next Area: Voice Mail Systems Number: [24] of [26] Title: Express/Meridian From: Znote [82] Time: Mon May 23 22:15:30 1994 0800-111-222 # 1 # 123456 # Listen ... Ford Motors AnsaFone Base ... Has all the ansafone messages in it. Hacked this VMB a year ago, called back for a laugh and got straight in ... Have phun ... Z bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply elete Message option? Next Area: Voice Mail Systems Number: [25] of [26] Title: Express/Meridian From: st00pid jErk [109] Time: Tue May 17 00:06:40 1994 a good method of discovering valid meridian VMB accs is using the Express service that usually goes hand in hand with Meridian VMBs. it seems that within the VMB tel. no. range there is a service which alows you to send msgs without all the menu shit. after the 'Express mail...mailbox?' prompt just start entering numbers (with following #) to find valid boxes.... hmmm...might be usefull.... .:st00pid jErk:. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Area: Voice Mail Systems Number: [26] of [26] Title: Express/Meridian From: st00pid jErk [109] Time: Thu May 19 01:26:35 1994 meridian vmbs 0271 388 0000 -0025 atleast 5 boxs not set up.... bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Current board is: Voice Mail Systems bort ist ew

ost uit ead Board 7 choice? Quit to next Area: 26oo Magazine Number: [28] of [28] Title: Meeting From: /\STERiX [88] Time: Thu May 19 00:02:46 1994 Is any1 interested in attending 26oo meets in the NW. if so contact /\STERiX / PHATE or COAXIAL/PHATE. bort ast ext uit ead again ail

ublic reply Message option? Next Current board is: 26oo Magazine bort ist ew

ost uit ead Board 8 choice? Quit to next Completed visiting new posted messages Scan new uploaded files (y/n)? No News Update: Wednesday 18-May-94 19:55:08 * * * BLUE BOXING TO THE "USA" AND "UK" IS NO LONGER POSSIBLE * * * I guess most UABBS users will have discovered that the routing codes for the USA and UK will no longer route you through the network. From what I have been told by various phreaks around the country, routing calls to the USA became impossible around 9.00am today, while calling back to the UK was still possible until around 12.00am. If anyone finds the new routing codes before we do, share your knowlege. I myself have been blue boxing without a single problem for the last 4 years and todays events have come as quite a shock. Stay free and don't hang up your speaker just yet, Phantasm (SysOp) UnAuThOrIsEd AcCeSs [PRIVATE] Recent User Action v1.øø [Node 0] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valid user logon: [82] Znote REAL: Phone Number: Baud rate: 2400 Current Time: Sat May 21 21:52:15 1994 Remaining Time: 38 minutes [Main Menu] [? = Menu] -=>Feedback Writing to Phantasm [1] Enter subject: U CAN Hit on a blank line to end input 1>U can box to USA ! SHame no-one will tell how !, they proved it to me but 2>wouldnt tell hoe ... :< ... 3> Edit (?,A,C,D,E,F,H,L,R,S) -=>Saving... Remaining Time: 38 minutes [Main Menu] [? = Menu] -=>Did you post (y/n)? Yes Connected at: Sat May 21 21:51:52 1994 Current Time: Sat May 21 21:59:40 1994 Total Time On: 7 Min & 48 Sec Remaining Time: 37 minutes ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ