Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 01 - MS-DOS Utiliities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ 386BUG.ZIP 9216 01-07-90 Tests for bugs in early 386-16 chips 3CT2.ZIP 8613 05-08-89 Excellent Tree Count file sizes finder 4DOS22.ZIP 252426 08-21-89 Replacement command shell for DOS 2.2 4DOS3D.ZIP 98312 05-23-90 Documentation for 4dos3p 4DOS3P.ZIP 228541 05-23-90 Command.com replacement - great 704K.ZIP 1180 02-06-88 Use memory above 640K (NOT for EGA!) ADJRAM.ZIP 20292 02-07-89 Adjustable RAM disk driver ALARM.ZIP 18885 02-22-88 Display PC PROTECTED message ALIAS.ZIP 28672 09-26-90 Recall past commands Similiar to STACK ALT124.ZIP 333824 09-11-89 Shareware MULTI TASKER ****GOOD**** ASSIST.ZIP 64978 08-19-88 ON LINE HELP WITH DOS,DEBUG,EDLIN AT-SLOW.ZIP 1056 09-03-86 slows down the ibm/at AUTOTALK.ZIP 22284 01-30-89 a talking program with some examples CONASM.ZIP 8525 03-22-89 Modify Config.sys during boot. CRUMBLE.ZIP 2944 09-26-89 Makes Screen Crumble to bottom CURSOR.ZIP 20957 11-18-88 Alter cursor shape (w/Source) DOSTUTOR.ZIP 112981 01-30-89 Tutor for DOS & Batch Commands DRLIST.ZIP 12313 06-13-89 Special ver. of list for use w/ctty/ansi DYNABOOT.ZIP 32896 11-27-89 Use various AUTOEXEC.BATs/CONFIG.SYSs FAT108.ZIP 15932 03-21-90 info of file allocation table FILECTRL.ZIP 33120 09-10-91 File viewer (ws,wp,word,Q&A,ascii) GREET.COM 640 01-07-90 SYSTEM BOOT-UP MESSAGE FOR AUTOEXEC.BAT HAW.ZIP 100379 09-10-91 Makes your PC look busy "Hard At Work"! HDRSTRIP.ZIP 10860 08-19-88 strips 128 byte header from BACKUP files HISTORY.ZIP 17948 11-18-88 Recall the last ten commands of DOS HOT.ZIP 2249 08-19-88 HOT KEY TO BREAK-OUT OF HUNG PROGRAM LACE_11.ZIP 32492 06-28-92 LACE V1.1 Multi-config utility by Keith Ledbetter Allows you to keep 14 different boot-up configs within a single CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT LCD31A.ZIP 30720 09-10-91 Good Change directory utility LIST72A.ZIP 64319 04-14-90 V. Buerg's latest LIST program LOCATE.ZIP 8899 09-14-88 Use Mouse with any program LU86.ZIP 26601 05-31-85 LU86 version 4.02 MAP.ZIP 6982 04-21-88 DISPLAY ALL MEM RES PGMS AND LOCATIONS MEMTOOL.ZIP 80384 12-14-89 TSR similar to SideKick v1.0 MIPS.ZIP 5548 01-15-88 CALCULATES AND DISPLAYS MIPS MODPATH.ZIP 6408 12-20-88 Add to PATH without retyping entire cmd PATCH401.ZIP 8461 05-08-89 Patch from MicroSoft for DOS 4.01 PCWINDOW.ZIP 8418 02-26-89 SIMPLE TIMER AND NOTEPAD PROGRAM. GOOD! PF253.ZIP 26176 09-10-91 Com & Lpt port utility PMAP132.ZIP 22242 04-07-89 memory map utility PRN2FILE.ZIP 2816 08-21-89 Redirects Prntr to File. w/ Help& Unload PRSRV100.ZIP 18193 07-04-92 File Preserver Run any programs on your files and have the original date-time stamp restored when you exit. Very versatile, very source. RAMTST30.ZIP 54906 11-18-88 Good ram test, does extended memory RT302.ZIP 56875 12-23-90 Brownbag shareware memory checker ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 1 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 01 - MS-DOS Utiliities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ SAVSCR.ZIP 6285 11-18-88 TSR - Saves PrtSc output to a File SCAN.ZIP 5374 03-22-89 Scans .com and .exe files for ascii chr SHORTCUT.ZIP 120832 04-14-90 Res Prgm Ver:2.05 That Eases Use Of Dos! SLOWDOWN.ZIP 4996 05-29-89 Slow down XT/AT by percentage SORTF.ZIP 2986 05-27-88 ASCII file sort filter SQ2.EXE 19968 09-21-84 Squisher program SWAPNAME.ZIP 3702 07-07-89 Switch names of two files. SYSID44.ZIP 56694 04-07-89 The latest utility for info on your PC TABS.ZIP 9557 07-07-89 Replaces spaces with tabs & vice versa. TEACHER.ZIP 64978 02-26-89 Tutor for DOS TEST.ZIP 41698 12-23-90 Check monitors, Test joysticks & ports THRASHER.ZIP 38384 04-07-89 FIND BEST BUFFERS= FOR CONFIG.SYS TIME-LOG.ZIP 46080 01-07-90 Tracks How & When You Use Your Computer TO.ZIP 16000 11-27-89 Substitute command for CD (Change Dir) TRIMLEFT.ZIP 12416 01-26-90 Trims characters from left of a file TSRCOM31.ZIP 72849 11-14-91 Mark/Release for managing TSR's TV.ZIP 2582 09-10-91 World's smallest text file viewer. UNCLE.ZIP 6806 10-22-88 cmd line editor like CED or UNIX csh USQ2.EXE 16512 09-21-84 UnSquisher Program V20.ZIP 47522 02-06-88 V20 MSDOS utilities (CPM80 emulator) VIEW-TWO.ZIP 33792 01-07-90 View Two Files Simultaneously Ver:1.2 VIEWDOS1.ZIP 87771 09-11-89 DOS shell, requires EGA/VGA & mouse VMIX207.ZIP 173556 06-13-89 MULTIPROCESSING 8088 THRU 80386 VRAM40.ZIP 25600 08-21-89 emulate ems board using hard drive WHOA.ZIP 13673 03-22-89 Slow down that fast CPU, if you need to! XONE.ZIP 8437 07-07-89 Creates ARC files from within ARC files XTREE20E.ZIP 57243 12-23-90 New version of X-Tree ZIP144.ZIP 19419 09-10-91 Fast file transfer program ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 2 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 02 - Communications Programs File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ ALAD150.EXE 234496 06-26-91 Navigation File for use with Genie ALB.ZIP 9847 03-09-88 Analog loopback pgm for IBM-PC modems ALBBSPCP.ZIP 34239 09-26-90 ALBBS file to PCPLUS file converter. BEEPME30.ZIP 25204 06-16-92 will page you on your digital pager when you get a message on your answering machine BIMOD120.ZIP 104987 01-26-90 New bimodem protocol ver.1.20 BIMOSH20.ZIP 13349 09-30-89 Ver 2.0 Shell for BIMODEM BOYDOC50.ZIP 146981 04-23-92 MANUAL FOR BOYAN 5.0 MADE IN SCRIPT FORM, SO YOU CAN CALL IT UP AND CHOOSE THE CHAPTER YOU WANT TO VIEW. NICE! C9QM41B.ZIP 12845 07-04-90 Use Logitech C9 mouse with Qmodem 4.1b DOSMODEM.ZIP 3968 01-07-90 Set/change MODEM commands from DOS DSCOPE.ZIP 20113 02-26-89 Turn the IBM into a DataScope with 2 com DSZ0427.ZIP 91675 05-07-92 Latest version of DSZ protocol. DSZ0791.ZIP 136615 09-10-91 7-91 Version of ZMODEM .COM & .EXE DSZNEW.ZIP 2688 05-06-92 Whats new in 4-27-92 version of DSZ/GSZ DSZTUTOR.ZIP 18432 09-30-89 Simple DSZ Command Line Tutor EAM.ZIP 12767 01-19-89 Electronic Answering Machine ELSEWARE.ZIP 33408 12-23-90 Control your computer from elsewhere GSZ1214.ZIP 111825 04-15-92 Graphical version of DSZ Zmodem protocal. Nice program. HOST31.ZIP 31354 04-14-90 good host prog with reg.for telix HOTK-Z53.ZIP 50429 04-07-89 New Ver of Hotkey, Zmodem,Jmodem Shell HSLK11C5.ZIP 95150 07-02-92 HS/Link external protocol driver 1.1 BETA Compiled: 7:37 am, Saturday, April 4, 1992 HS/Link is a new high speed, full streaming, bi-directional batch file transfer protocol with advanced full-streaming-error-correction and dynamic-code-substitution. It is easy to use and runs very fast. HSLK11C7.ZIP 95649 04-23-92 HS/Link external protocol driver 1.1 BETA Compiled: 5:07 pm, Monday, April 13, 1992 HS/Link is a new high speed, full streaming, bi-directional batch file transfer protocol with advanced full-streaming-error-correction and dynamic-code-substitution. It is easy to use and runs very fast. ICEX206.ZIP 134896 04-25-89 ICEX NEWEST VER. FOR PC PURSUIT JMODM121.ZIP 63088 09-26-90 8-18-89 VERSION OF JMODEM JTERM.ZIP 72116 04-20-90 A comm. program - uses AVATAR graphics LYNC20.ZIP 72016 04-28-92 A good little comm package with great macros and zmodem built in MLINK16.ZIP 31417 09-26-90 MegaLink V1.6 - Another good protocol MPT110.ZIP 64226 12-23-90 comm protocol-formerly known as Puma PAGER.ZIP 2528 04-14-90 answ.your phone calls pager with telix PAGE_ME.ZIP 3206 04-14-90 use this program with pager & boyan PFEPLUS.ZIP 84342 01-24-91 ProFonEdit for PC+ PROM302.EXE 151680 04-28-92 PRO-MASTER: What PRODIGY should be! ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 3 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 02 - Communications Programs File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ This ASP Shareware program is a total online PRODIGY Enhancer with POP-UP Menus for every function (using easy-to-read 80 column text format) as well as user definable and program hotkeys that supply features which add to your enjoyment of the PRODIGY Service. Keyboard Macros - Editor with Spell-checker Color Changer - PCX save - Printer Manager. Q43TO431.ZIP 275301 12-13-91 Qmodem v4.3 to v4.31 upgrade files QM42MNU.ZIP 15756 04-05-92 MOUSE MENU FOR QMODEM 4.2 5 files - New:12/22/1990 Old:12/21/1990 QM43#1.ZIP 151328 08-29-91 Qmodem SST v4.3 - Disk 1 of 4 QM43#2.ZIP 212444 08-29-91 Qmodem SST v4.3 - Disk 2 of 4 QM43#3.ZIP 120829 08-29-91 Qmodem SST v4.3 - Disk 3 of 4 QM43#4.ZIP 246952 08-29-91 Qmodem SST v4.3 - Disk 4 of 4 QM452TD.ZIP 694364 06-22-92 Qmodem ver 4.52 (test drive), file 1 of 1 ROBOCOMM.ZIP 231449 06-13-89 AUTOMATED PC-COMM PROGRAM ROBOINFO.ZIP 3603 06-13-89 INFO\DOC FOR ROBOCOMM (MS-DOS) SERTL101.CPT 15872 01-24-92 Serial port tool for Macintosh SLRN_110.ZIP 37376 05-15-92 automatic script writer for telix TANDEM.ZIP 86484 06-13-89 Operate a remote computer. WYSIWYG ! ! TFE_100.ZIP 29252 03-22-89 Telix Fone Editor. Sort, etc. SUPERB! TLINK.ZIP 20184 09-26-90 TransLink - A fast and clean protocol TLX315-1.ZIP 151023 09-10-91 This is a newer version of Telix(part1) TLX315-2.ZIP 123770 09-10-91 newer version of Telix (part 2) TLX315-3.ZIP 63538 09-10-91 newer version of Telix (part 3) TLXFON01.ZIP 34083 01-03-90 Telix Dialing dirs by state "Ready to Go TLXPCP15.ZIP 19793 02-26-89 Latest PCPursuit scripts for Telix 3.11 TLXSET02.ZIP 7415 01-03-90 A fast setup doc for Telix 3.12 TM200-1.ZIP 88610 01-26-90 telemate 200 part 1 of 4 TM200-2.ZIP 216856 01-26-90 telmate 200 part 2 TM200-3.ZIP 132859 01-26-90 telmate com package pt 3 of three parts XMDMSRC.ZIP 19462 07-19-85 Various Xmodem .ASM source files XMODEM-C.ZIP 2579 02-12-87 "C" Source code to XMODEM ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 4 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 03 - Finance & Accounting Programs File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ 91TAX.ZIP 171356 02-05-92 1991 Income Tax program AMORTZ12.ZIP 60499 06-16-92 Amortarization tables for loans, Shareware. ASSETINV.ZIP 137431 06-26-91 Asset inventory system BUSACTG.ZIP 131207 07-07-89 Acctg for small bus. PR,AR & Gen Ldgr CASHTRA1.ZIP 206700 01-10-91 Part1 Cashtrac 7 Brownbag shareware CASHTRA2.ZIP 242516 01-10-91 Part2 Cashtrac 7 Brownbag shareware EXPCHECK.ZIP 187392 11-30-89 Excellent Checkbook Manager FINMAN.ZIP 107024 04-18-92 Home Budget Program. Specify monthly budget, then track bank account transactions in various budget catagories (utilities, auto, rent, etc.). Compare actual expenditures vs budgeted, reconcile bank statement, generate reports. Shareware. LOANANA.ZIP 53800 08-19-88 LOAN ANALYZER VER 1.0 by Manuel Santos MORTGAGE.ZIP 25441 02-29-88 Mortgage program PC-AP.ZIP 45056 12-14-89 PC Accounts Payable Program PC-AR.ZIP 46080 12-14-89 PC Accounts Receiving Program PC-GL.ZIP 44032 12-14-89 PC General Ledger Program PC-PR.ZIP 49152 12-14-89 PC Payroll Program PCSTOCK.ZIP 100063 04-07-89 Updated version of pc-stock from 'CIS'. PROSTOCK.ZIP 197053 06-15-92 PRO$TOCK: Download Stock Market data form PRODIGY Service in the attended or unatended mode and convert to popular spreadsheet or QUICKEN 5 formats. This ASP Shareware is from the makers of other fine PRODIGY utilities including PROMASTER and QUICKEN MARKET UPDATE. RSA301.EXE 185360 04-27-92 To start type rsa301, program is self-extracting. Shareware. Purports to be a stock market technical analysis program, but I found it to be not very user friendly. Maybe when I'm more computer literate it'll turn out to be a great program. STAX.ZIP 290998 02-05-92 1991 Income Tax program YOURMONY.ZIP 42992 03-22-89 Personal finance package ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 5 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 04 - Games! File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ !K6DEMO!.ZIP 345975 04-29-92 Demo version of Commander Keen in Episode 6, "Aliens Ate My Babysitter". Sysop's Choice. #1DUKE.ZIP 272600 06-13-92 game from Apogee - Good #1GALAXY.EXE 589324 04-29-92 Commander Keen in Episode 4, "Goodbye Galaxy" This is the most addictive game I have ever played. Unbelievable graphics. Move Keen through many worlds, rescue the 8 ancients. Sysop's Choice. If you have a 386 and a VGA, GET THIS!!!!! #1RESCUE.ZIP 356736 05-17-92 Word Rescue, excellent educational game for kids. #1WOLF3D.ZIP 652266 05-09-92 Castle Wolfenstein 3-D from Apogee reqs VGA 1DUKE.ZIP 267755 07-06-92 DUKE NUKEM by Appogee Software - excellent shareware game. Try this one for sure! Uses VGA color graphics. 3DPONG.ZIP 48970 06-26-91 Ping Pong in 3-D....pretty fun ANTIX.ZIP 17366 04-14-90 Game by Tetris designer-with docs. Good. ARCHERY.ZIP 23680 09-26-89 Nice Bow and Arrow Game ARKEGA.ZIP 132560 08-21-89 Form of Arkanoids game for EGA BABY.ZIP 22922 02-26-89 Save bouncing babies from the fire! BACKGAMM.ZIP 37713 02-26-89 Backgammon BASSLAK1.ZIP 5172 06-24-91 LAKES FOR BASSTOUR BASSLAK2.ZIP 5110 06-24-91 MORE BASSLAKES FOR BASSTOUR BASSLAK3.ZIP 1692 06-24-91 MORE BASSLAKES FOR BASSTOUR BASSLAK4.ZIP 2332 06-24-91 MORE BASSLAKES FOR BASSTOUR BASSLAK5.ZIP 5403 06-24-91 SOME MORE BASS LAKES FOR BASSTOUR BASSLAK6.ZIP 3658 06-24-91 MORE BASS LAKES FOR BASSTOUR BASSLAK7.ZIP 787 06-24-91 MORE BASS LAKES FOR BASSTOUR BASSLAK8.ZIP 1611 06-24-91 EVEN MORE LAKES FOR BASSTOUR BASSLAK9.ZIP 3731 06-24-91 HOW ABOUT MORE LAKES FOR BASSTOUR BASSLK10.ZIP 1716 06-24-91 YES MORE LAKES FOR BASSTOUR BASSLK11.ZIP 1525 06-24-91 BASS LAKES FOR BASSTOUR BASST29.ZIP 142336 12-14-89 Basstour Ver:2.9 - Fishing Game BLACKJAK.ZIP 23177 12-23-90 Great Card Game of Blackjak! BOMBAW.ZIP 73798 09-10-91 VGA artillery game BRIX.ZIP 32128 06-07-92 VGA game, comb. of arcade & puzzle. 112 screens. Developed in Germany -- text in English and error messages in Deutsch :-) BRUNLIB.ZIP 159985 01-03-90 BRUN20,BRUN30,BRUN40.EXE for games BRUNTSVL.ZIP 7739 06-26-91 MID SIZED SIMCITY .CTY FILE BURGER.ZIP 21888 12-23-90 Building a Hamburger game CF-POOL.ZIP 104448 11-27-89 College Football Pool Program COLLIDE.ZIP 54272 01-07-90 Space Survival Game COLRSLOT.ZIP 4141 01-30-89 Another Basic game of Slots COMIC3.ZIP 114306 04-07-89 Adventures of Captain Comic version 3 COSMO_1.ZIP 502604 05-03-92 Cosmic Adventure from Apogee Software similar to Commander Keen CRYSTAL1.ZIP 197305 04-15-92 Crystal Caves adventure game #1 CWC.ZIP 171776 09-26-90 crossword puzzle creator. ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 6 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 04 - Games! File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ DIGGER.ZIP 28032 08-16-89 LIKE ARCADE GAME DIG-DUG DRSLEEP.ZIP 40860 09-26-90 a NIGHTMARE of a game (arcade type) EGABMB42.ZIP 45056 11-29-89 EGA Bomb Game Ver:4.2 EGAGAMES.ZIP 172245 10-17-88 Kong, Breakout, etc games for EGA monit EGAGOLF.ZIP 54551 06-13-91 Good golf program in EGA graphics EGAKONG.ZIP 18268 05-29-89 EGA version of KONG!!! EGAPOK13.ZIP 33529 03-22-89 5 card draw poker for EGA and Mouse. EGARISK.ZIP 101262 08-22-88 Risk for your computer. Reguires EGA EGAROID2.ZIP 40002 04-14-90 MSDOS - EGA - Game of Asteroids EGAROIDS.ZIP 34286 05-01-88 Asteroids --requires EGA and 286 or 386 EGASTRKR.ZIP 1326 10-12-88 Patches to allow STRIKER to run on EGA EGATREK2.ZIP 107520 11-29-89 Space Battle Game Ver:2.0 ELEVATOR.ZIP 24958 02-06-89 An "Elevator Action" type game - nice FATE.ZIP 790105 06-29-92 Playable demo of Indiana Jones Fate of Atlantis game really good FLEES.ZIP 27648 01-07-90 Space Flees Arcade Game FRAC.ZIP 54420 12-23-90 3D Tetris game - shareware - very good FS-ADV12.ZIP 56107 01-12-89 Over 40 adventures for FlightSimulator FUNLTTRS.ZIP 135052 06-26-91 Fun with letters for ages 4 to 7 GALACTIX.ZIP 541981 04-13-92 Awesome game, similar to "Galaga" that will make use of that SoundBlaster card - also uses PC internal speaker 8 files - New:02/05/1992 Old:01/21/1992 GAPPER.ZIP 28307 01-30-89 An addictive CGA game... HOMERUN.ZIP 50176 12-23-89 Pinball Type Baseball Game 1/2 Players HUGO3.ZIP 547998 05-16-92 Latest HUGO game stranded in Africe HURKLE.ZIP 67857 09-26-89 VGA/MCGA only - Hurkle Hunt ............ JOUSTVGA.ZIP 50052 09-26-90 Just like Atari Joust but for IBM: VGA! JUGGLER3.ZIP 141554 06-06-92 Learn to juggle three objects. JUMPJOE2.ZIP 41347 06-03-84 Decent Donk/Kong type game KEEN1.ZIP 186368 09-10-91 Commander Keen adv. game - part 1 KINGS.ZIP 5090 03-22-89 KING QUEST HINTS KLONDK30.ZIP 130390 09-26-90 Klondike Solitare ver 3.0 MS-DOS KQ2SOL.ZIP 3126 03-22-89 KING QUEST II HINTS KQ3SOLVE.ZIP 5395 03-22-89 KING QUEST III SOLUTION KQ5_SOL.ZIP 8553 01-24-91 solution to kings quest 5 KROZ.ZIP 66446 09-26-90 Kingdom of Kroz and Trek Trivia - LARRYII.ZIP 3539 03-22-89 Solution to Leisure Suit Larry II LARRYIII.ZIP 12198 01-24-91 Solution to Leisure Suite Larry III LUNCHBOX.ZIP 118054 04-26-92 a good childs game..educational MAHJ35.ZIP 170726 09-10-91 Mahjongg vers. 3.5 by Nels Anderson MAHTILES.ZIP 44860 07-04-90 More tiles for Mahjongg V3.3 MARS1.ZIP 97280 09-10-91 Monuments of Mars adv. game - part 1 MAZEDRAW.ZIP 12163 01-24-91 Draws mazes on screen & you draw key. MIDEMO.ZIP 237312 06-13-91 Monkey Island playable demo-VERY GOOD! MINDCU.ZIP 100407 09-10-91 EGA maze game MINIGOLF.ZIP 49152 11-27-89 18 Hole Miniature Golf Game (CGA) MIXMATCH.ZIP 71318 09-10-91 Mix & Match colors VGA game MJVGA.ZIP 85319 04-14-90 Latest Greatest Mah Jongg for vga only!! ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 7 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 04 - Games! File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ MLCRUX11.ZIP 34040 04-01-92 A logic/puzzle game by MicroLink. For 1 or more players. Match the colors of the crosses. Makes you plan ahead. 2 files - New:01/10/1992 Old:01/10/1992 MLLOYD11.ZIP 29696 05-17-91 Push 15 numbered squares into sequence MLOTRA12.ZIP 29696 05-17-91 Like electronic Simon except has 9 squar MLPUSH11.ZIP 29696 05-17-91 Neat Dice game, Push Your Luck MLSHUT12.ZIP 29696 05-17-91 Dice game called Shut the Door MLYAHT22.ZIP 24854 05-17-91 It's YAHTZEE MONOP67.ZIP 56519 11-18-88 Don Philip Gibson's MONOPOLY v6.7 This is the game that was so realistic Parker Brothers made him stop development of the software. If you like Monopoly(TM), you need to get this. MOUSEJET.ZIP 72704 01-07-90 AF Fighter Jet - Mouse Controlled Game NCAA_NFL.ZIP 103050 06-26-91 NCCA tournaments and NFL playoff pools NINTENDO.ZIP 49771 01-22-90 Tips on Nintendo games PASSARND.ZIP 188495 04-15-92 Board trivia game for 1 to 4 players PCPENTE.ZIP 54272 01-26-90 Pente Board Game Ver:1.00 PERESTR.ZIP 179452 09-10-91 Russia game Perestroika - good PLYNLERN.ZIP 140878 06-26-91 For children from 18 monthes to 4 years PRECOLOR.ZIP 40012 06-26-91 Preschool color name recognition - IBM QUINTA.ZIP 34613 05-29-89 EGA Board Game (Line Up 5 Stones in row RATMAZE.ZIP 25600 12-23-89 3D Maze Game Of Rats RISK100.ZIP 94080 01-24-91 PC Version of board game. ROUND42.ZIP 27376 03-09-88 a noisy shoot-em-up game. RSRDEMO.ZIP 215187 06-12-89 Red Storm Rising demo from Microprose RUSHHR88.ZIP 34816 01-07-90 Update of RUSHHOUR Traffic Game - 1988 SCORCH.ZIP 176573 04-13-92 Great tank battle game for VGA only 9 files - New:11/23/1991 Old:11/23/1991 SCUDATAK.ZIP 92406 02-22-91 Patriots vs Scuds! VGA/MCGA & mouse req' SHOOTG21.ZIP 119194 12-23-90 New version of shooting gallery game SHUTBOX.ZIP 32768 06-13-89 EGA Dice Game (Good Addition for Kids) SILENCER.ZIP 33839 02-26-89 Claims to silence music on most games. SIMHELP.ZIP 114712 07-02-92 Utilities for SimCity includes terraforming SKULL.ZIP 69305 01-07-90 SKULLDUGGERY EGA/VGA adventure game SLIDER.ZIP 62589 06-26-91 classic board game SLORDAX.ZIP 104903 05-12-92 A great shoot em up space game. SNARF203.ZIP 50460 09-10-91 Action-arcade game with mazes. EGA-VGA SOLITAIR.ZIP 19314 01-24-91 Card game with turbo pascal source code. SOLITARE.ZIP 25179 03-09-88 Play solitare alone or against the PC. SOLTIL27.ZIP 58783 09-10-91 Solitile-westernized Mahjongg EGA,VGA SOPWITH2.ZIP 29662 06-13-89 A new version of this biplane game STARTREK.ZIP 97117 06-12-89 EGA startrek game STATES.ZIP 7264 03-09-88 Good graphics...test on states and caps. STRIKER.ZIP 51732 06-03-86 Great CG helicopter GAME SUPERTRV.ZIP 124522 04-21-92 Trivia game and a text adventure SWAR.ZIP 21726 01-12-89 space war TESS.ZIP 28497 02-26-89 Abstract text adventure ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 8 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 04 - Games! File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ TOMTRIVA.ZIP 203609 06-26-91 Tommy's Trivia-3 different ways to play TOMWHEEL.ZIP 97347 04-21-92 Quiz using Wheel of Fortune format TRIFILES.ZIP 52548 04-14-92 Trivia game played like hangman TRSK.ZIP 8597 08-22-88 EGA Puzzel - Triskelion Rings .......... UWDEMO.ZIP 1197223 03-31-92 A playable demo of the UnderWorld Adventure Game. Requires a 286 or better. 3 files - New:03/10/1992 Old:01/21/1992 VBRUN.ZIP 169469 06-09-92 The Dynamic Link Library required to run any compiled Visual Basic program. VPOKER.ZIP 171568 12-23-90 Vol 9 no 4 PC Mag games with source VSHARKS1.ZIP 148309 06-11-91 Good VGA game;avoid sharks get fish WILLY2.ZIP 21293 04-14-90 Latest game of Willy the Worm - EGA/CGA WOLFED10.ZIP 47467 06-28-92 Edit walls in Wolfenstein 3d (can import GIF's pr edit current wall). WOLFEND.ZIP 3258 06-28-92 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´Wolfenstein FinishÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³See the ending of Escape from Castle ³ ³Wolfenstein before any once! Yes you ³ ³need not spend long hours searching for ³ ³the exits! Just load in this saved game ³ ³and watch the ending! ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ XMAS.ZIP 224768 05-03-92 Chistmas Lemmings (Demo) contains 4 playable levels. YGRDOC.ZIP 9401 05-08-89 Documentation for Chuck Yeager sim ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 9 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 05 - BBS Programs & Utilities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ ADDFILES.ZIP 15453 05-24-86 This will do a directory search and create (or append to) a FILES.BBS with file name entries for all files in directory that are not already in the FILES.BBS. Written by Walt Hanley, original sysop of ACCESS. For Phoenix R.C.S. AF102.ZIP 13972 02-06-89 Make an ALLFILES.BBS list for Phoenix Can specify minimum security level for list. Written by Jim McCullars AIWAIT10.ZIP 31559 01-14-91 A utility for sysops of a multi-node PCBoard to coordinate bringing up all nodes after an event. ANNOUNCE.ZIP 17394 11-10-88 Ans phone & take comments when BBS down ANSWER2.ZIP 12767 06-14-87 Not a BBS but will answer your phone. ANSWERME.ZIP 15440 01-04-90 Answer the phone when BBS down BASEBALL.ZIP 69632 09-30-89 BBS on line Baseball game BBSMUSTX.ZIP 4807 01-04-90 Create music on the BBS CAL14S23.ZIP 64065 02-18-92 Calls v14S23 - Caller Log analyzer for PCBoard. Creates bulletins with useful stats for users & sysops alike. CAM-M100.ZIP 290063 11-19-91 Cam-Mail v1.00. A .QWK-compatible mail door for PCBoard. I downloaded this from the PCB support BBS but decided on MarkMail. CF300.ZIP 19563 09-11-89 Phoenix FILES.BBS colorizer v3.00 Written by Jim McCullars CHK4BOMB.ZIP 8669 05-24-86 Check For Bombs in Software. CKEVENT.ZIP 7168 09-03-90 Program to check for impending event before loading a door. CL14S23B.ZIP 71643 04-24-92 This is a modified version of Sam Smith's great program. (Get CAL14S23.ZIP for docs) It fixes a few problems with features added to PCBoard 14.5a, adds several new reports and features. This includes only CALLS.EXE, CALLS.CNF, and CALLS.MOD (documentation on changes made by Gary Meeker). CNVRT.ZIP 11423 08-20-88 Needed to run MERGER with Phoenix DLSHL12E.ZIP 42915 01-04-90 Download Shell door for Phoenix 1.3+ DRWY146.ZIP 51746 04-07-89 An excellent doorway system for PC-Board DRWY204.ZIP 75539 04-14-90 needed to run minimail EZ137.ZIP 189529 12-07-91 EZ-Reader offline mail reader (.QWK) EZUTL103.ZIP 51037 02-21-90 EZ-Reader Utilities 1.03 - Allows you to use EZ-Reader with PCBoard capture files and ProDoor ZIPM files. FA20.ZIP 48589 08-15-89 Game for multi-user BBS systems (Metro) FEATURES.ZIP 9422 01-04-90 Features available in registered Phoenix HOLIDAY2.ZIP 8915 06-12-88 Some more ANSI holiday screens IP150.ZIP 48582 02-01-92 InterPCB v1.50 Fido/PCB mail tosser/scanner IRSUSER1.ZIP 18432 04-23-91 Program to create a report of all users of a particular security level. For PCBoard. ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 10 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 05 - BBS Programs & Utilities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ JAX.ZIP 26544 06-12-89 Small BBS program for files transfers KMAIL291.ZIP 114421 03-06-92 Another .QWK-compatible mail door for PCB. KQWK100.ZIP 202569 04-14-92 KingQWK - The first non-beta release of this new FAST, small QWK reader. It has MANY features not found in other readers including a unique interface to QWKMerge allowing it to control precisely which messages are merged into the ensuing QWK packet. Shareware by Mike King LINEBUSY.ZIP 1189 05-10-86 Utility to busy out phone MAT.ZIP 26749 05-27-88 to compare files lists of two BBS's MERGER.ZIP 35900 11-17-88 This is an excellent program written for Colossus to manage your file dl & ul areas. To run it with Phoenix, you need CNVRT.ZIP since they changed control file formats between Colossus & Phoenix. If you run Phoenix R.C.S. you need this. MH060190.ZIP 173620 07-04-90 New Version of Maxihost bbs program MM031489.ZIP 186536 04-14-90 minimail for minihost MM20B30.ZIP 148209 04-10-92 MarkMail Door for PCBoard. MOTD-PC.ZIP 19902 04-14-90 A quality BBS "Quote" program -any BBS MSGDEL11.ZIP 32962 01-04-90 Delete old messages by date/spec/maxmsg For Phoenix R.C.S. MULTIBBS.ZIP 18919 01-24-91 Run two BBSes at one time! NODE40M.ZIP 28819 04-02-90 Phoenix nodelist. It's not current, but Phoenix will not initialize without one. PBCLL094.ZIP 11224 02-21-92 Caller Log file manipulator for PCBoard. Delete lines by caller name, dates, etc. PCB&DV.ZIP 12013 03-19-92 A text file with hints on running a multi-node PCBoard BBS under Desqview. PCC.ZIP 243839 04-14-90 PcConnect BBS program PHNXDOC.ZIP 117544 08-08-89 Documentation for Phoenix (all levels) PHOENIX.ZIP 270173 11-16-88 Phoenix Remote Communications System v1.07 This is the shareware version of the software that ACCESS used to run with. Fine choice for starting a BBS. Also need doc file and nodelist (even if you don't run netmail). QBBS.ZIP 19902 03-22-89 small bbs program in basic-message base QDOG200.ZIP 27111 03-22-90 Online dog race game for QuickBBS QWKTXT41.ZIP 26431 07-02-92 Converts QWK file to ascii TXT file REMDR201.ZIP 81961 04-07-89 Sysop's remote door 2.01 REPORT24.ZIP 154907 01-04-90 A nice CALLER.LOG analyzer for Phoenix. Creates very informative bulletins for display, will optionally create a history file. RLYRDR30.ZIP 98350 01-30-89 RelayReader 3.00 (for PCBoard) RYBBS60.ZIP 240550 10-09-89 RYan BBS VERSION 60 SANTABBS.ZIP 5841 11-21-88 Christmas ANSI greeting for login file SF31-1.ZIP 185216 11-25-91 SPITFIRE BBS program v3.1, Disk 1 of 2 ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 11 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 05 - BBS Programs & Utilities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ SF31-2.ZIP 264531 11-25-91 spitfire BBS program disk 2 SLMR21.ZIP 176456 04-15-92 SLMR 2.1 Latest Version of the Silly Little Mail Reader SONGS.ZIP 3235 01-04-90 Music for the BBS SXR300.ZIP 328218 05-04-92 Silver Express offline reader v3.0 SYSED.ZIP 21770 05-11-88 Edit Phoenix FILEINFO & MSGINFO (CGA) TOPTEN.ZIP 9553 01-04-90 List top ten downloaders (Phoenix) TURBOBBS.ZIP 25148 04-14-90 turns telix into a small bbs UPLOAD14.ZIP 34180 01-04-90 Track uploads,who/how/where - Phoenix WGMCNF16.ZIP 30683 03-03-92 Generate Conference selection menus for PCB WGMDMS35.ZIP 66201 03-26-92 Directory Manipulation System for PCBoard WILDCAT1.ZIP 211656 10-30-89 Wildcat bbs (1 of 2) WILDCAT2.ZIP 221813 10-30-89 Wildcat bbs (2 of 2) ZLAB_19C.ZIP 274993 02-05-92 ZipLab v1.9C. This is what I use to scan uploads to ACCESS. ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 12 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 06 - Data Base & Spreadsheet Utilities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ 123MOUSE.ZIP 6864 01-07-90 Use a mouse with Lotus 123 ALBUMTRX.ZIP 251814 05-17-91 Album or Casette Databa ASEASYAS.ZIP 72013 01-12-89 LOTUS 1-2-3 SPREADSHEET CLONE DBOSS3-1.ZIP 61440 12-14-89 Data Management Sys Ver:3.00.01 1 of 2 DBOSS3-2.ZIP 106496 12-14-89 Data Management Sys Ver:3.00.01 2 of 2 DBUTIL.ZIP 124554 08-19-88 Many nice dBase III utils DSCAR20.ZIP 47922 02-29-88 dBASE X-ref and Doc. for Prg and Modules FE428SUP.ZIP 176798 04-07-89 File Express v 4.28 Database (2 of 2) FE50-A.ZIP 226005 03-01-92 File Express v5.0 Database (1 of 4) FE50-B.ZIP 356173 03-01-92 File Express v5.0 (2 of 4) FE50-C.ZIP 196579 03-01-92 File Express v5.0 (3 of 4) FE50-D.ZIP 225030 03-01-92 File Express v5.0 (4 of 4) LLS1.ZIP 91136 12-23-89 Lotus Learning System 1 of 2 LLS2.ZIP 141312 12-23-89 Lotus Learning System 2 of 2 LOTCOLOR.ZIP 13560 04-07-89 Adds color to LOTUS 1-2-3 PCFDB11A.ZIP 241523 05-10-89 PC-File:db v1.1 (part 1 of 2) PCFDB11B.ZIP 315644 05-10-89 PC-File:db v1.1 (part 2 of 2) POPITUP.ZIP 26624 01-07-90 Memory Resident Popup Database Ver:1.0 PPERFECT.ZIP 103424 09-30-89 Demo of PlanPerfect, like Louts 1-2-3 PRK1.ZIP 283052 09-10-91 Personal record keeper QUBECAL3.ZIP 195917 04-07-89 v3.01 of QUBECALC, a 3D spreadsheet SCOUTMAT.ZIP 164785 06-26-91 Scoutmaster v2.01 - Good BoyScout DB! ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 13 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 07 - Music File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ ADLIB103.ZIP 206298 03-21-90 103 songs for Adlib card and .ins files ADLIBJUK.ZIP 28604 03-21-90 Some songs for the adlib music card BACH.ZIP 17356 05-16-88 Music Program (Bach) CAROLS.ZIP 24947 12-02-87 22 Christmas carols CHEERS.ZIP 8210 01-30-89 THEME SONG FROM TV SHOW CLAVIER.ZIP 17356 07-15-87 Classical Music..........GOOD!! COMPOSER.ZIP 68489 11-27-88 Create,save,edit,play,print your music. GATECH.ZIP 1843 03-07-88 Georgia Tech fight song (BASIC) HALLOWEN.ZIP 1085 04-27-86 Theme from the movie Halloween JINGLE.ZIP 105523 12-06-88 Christmas Carols /animated CGA graphics JUKEBOX.ZIP 10637 10-31-88 A PC jukebox with record selection MIDIBB.DOC 1792 03-09-88 List of midi bulletin boards. MIDILEC.ZIP 16246 03-07-88 Tutorial MIDI lecture MIDIPOP.ZIP 7168 04-05-90 Pop-up utility to pgm MIDI instruments MMOUSE.ZIP 2009 10-31-88 Picture/music of Mickey Mouse. MOONLITE.ZIP 3810 07-15-87 Classical Music......Moonlite Sonata MOREBACH.ZIP 3892 07-15-87 Classical music.....TOO......J.S.Bach MTS.ZIP 94294 04-13-92 Music Transcription System 30 files - New:02/24/1992 Old:07/09/1987 MUSIC92.ZIP 8192 04-05-90 BASIC pgm to compose music MUSICBOX.BAS 17920 02-12-86 good graphics MUSICBOX.ZIP 7168 04-05-90 BASIC music MUSICLIB.ZIP 131493 11-27-88 Music Library-Computerize your records NBN.ZIP 140581 04-13-92 Write & Play Music. Note By Note 3 files - New:12/20/1991 Old:09/05/1991 NEWAGE.ZIP 77956 03-31-92 Newage music for the ADLIB music card 33 files - New:01/16/1991 Old:01/07/1989 PC-MUSIC.ZIP 67274 07-27-86 A collection of songs *.BAS. Real nice PIANOMAN.ZIP 101412 06-24-88 A good music editor PMMUZ.ZIP 27125 05-22-88 Music for the PIANOMAN PMUSIC11.ZIP 102400 08-07-89 3-voice PC music w/c-source and demos! PNOMAN40.ZIP 99835 05-22-88 Neil Rubinking's PIANOMAN v4.0 ROCKROLL.ZIP 67427 07-16-88 Fair Rock'n'Roll quiz SCALES.ZIP 28572 02-26-89 NICE program to help learn guitar STING.ZIP 4517 08-19-87 musical & graphical view of two conmen SYNTH.ZIP 43575 12-13-87 PC music synthesizer TOP100.ZIP 5866 01-13-87 All time Top 100 songs TUNES.ZIP 72704 06-26-91 Tunes to make your PC speaker Happy VMUSIC.ZIP 34023 11-24-86 3-voice music on a PC speaker - Really! WILLTELL.ZIP 17223 06-19-87 WILLIAM TELL OVERTURE *BEST MUSIC YET* ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 14 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 08 - Printer & Keyboard Utilities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ 2COL30.ZIP 28160 05-06-92 2COL print compressed text into 2 columns Print 4 or 8 pages of text per sheet of paper ALTERFNT.ZIP 46246 02-15-89 Modify & edit HPLJ soft fonts ASC.ZIP 2088 08-20-88 TSR EXTENDED ASCII CHARACTER REFERENCE BANNER.ZIP 2270 08-20-88 BANNER PRINTER PROGRAM BOOK201.ZIP 21199 08-15-89 div. docs to print front & back of paper BRAD2.ZIP 145623 09-26-88 Print files using many fonts BRADFORD.ZIP 27129 08-20-88 LQ for Epson (7 fonts) CHAR.ZIP 20618 11-18-88 Show Extended Keycodes (w/Source) CHN24-50.ZIP 139875 02-14-88 HPLJ softfonts: Chancelor 24-50 pts. CHN6-18.ZIP 76803 02-14-88 HPLJ softfonts: Chancelor 6-18 pts. CPRINT2.ZIP 20222 08-21-89 Fancy print formatting w/C-source DJ500.ZIP 14527 06-13-91 Software setup for all deskjet printers. DOSKEY.ZIP 2922 08-20-88 Set function keys (+ Alt & Shift Fkeys) ENVLJ.ZIP 53811 08-20-88 Print envelopes on HPLaserJet EP2HP.ZIP 9157 02-15-89 Epson emulator for HPLJ F11F12.ZIP 2238 01-30-89 Use F11 & F12 Keys FKEYV20.ZIP 18202 08-20-88 Function key template maker FNTTOOLS.ZIP 4695 02-16-89 Tools to modify HPLJ fonts FORMFEED.COM 384 08-20-88 [Ctrl F] for form feed GEOFONT.ZIP 102941 06-23-92 Fonts for Geoworks Ensemble or Pro GLYPHIX1.ZIP 97280 12-23-89 SWFTE Glyphix demo w/several good fonts! GREEK10.ZIP 3409 02-15-89 10 pt Greek HPLJ soft font GREENWCH.ZIP 39319 08-21-89 Greenwich HPLJ Font made w/Type Foundry HELVENYU.ZIP 135834 03-30-88 Helvetica soft fonts for HPLJ HELVSOFT.ZIP 100652 03-30-88 Helv soft fonts for HPLJ (8,10,12,18 pt) HLV24-50.ZIP 119363 02-14-88 HPLJ softfonts: Helvette 24-50 pt HLV6-18.ZIP 72399 02-14-88 HPLJ softfonts: Helvette 6-18 pt HOTDOS1.ZIP 8016 08-20-88 Hot keys to DOS HOTKEY.ZIP 482 01-07-90 Speedup for cursor keys. HPLJET.ZIP 25426 05-26-88 HP Laser Jet fonts HPPS.ZIP 1982 01-24-91 Prints EGA/CGA graphics on HP deskjets. HPSOFT11.ZIP 14539 03-22-87 More fonts for HPLJ IDCLBL.ZIP 7755 06-13-89 Label maker for CitoH 8510 ProWriter IM.ZIP 25893 12-19-86 GRAPHICS GEN FOR EPSON COMPAT'S IMGPRNT.ZIP 85362 03-09-88 PC-SIG DEMO & DOCS FOR LQ PRINT - EPSON KBFIX.ZIP 1688 08-20-88 127 char Kboard buffer KEYFAKE.ZIP 7473 08-20-88 FEED PROGRAM KEYSTROKES FROM BATCH FILE LETTER.ZIP 7560 07-07-89 Prints envelopes on Laserjet + series. LJBOOK.ZIP 16483 07-07-89 Print txt file HP Laserjet/booklet form LJBOOK22.ZIP 20480 12-23-89 Prints Text In Book Format (LaserJet) LP-HP.ZIP 7849 07-07-89 Print files to HP Laserjet w/headings. LQ.ZIP 6925 08-20-88 Simple NLQ for Epson MSPOOL2.ZIP 4347 08-20-88 good spooler for IBM with doc MXCHAR.ZIP 1996 10-12-88 Print all ASCII chars on EPSON `MX-s' NEWFKEY.ZIP 2678 08-20-88 How to redefine your function keys NEWKEY11.ZIP 24140 08-20-88 Key substitutions! NEWKEY51.ZIP 195013 03-22-89 Vers 5.1 of Keyboard Macro maker/enhance NX-1000.ZIP 6603 10-01-88 Star printer codes (Menu form) ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 15 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 08 - Printer & Keyboard Utilities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ ONSIDE.ZIP 112640 12-14-89 Menu driven Onside printing utility ONSIDE10.ZIP 111886 02-26-89 OnSide v1.01 - sideways printing program PANASONC.ZIP 9669 08-20-88 Set Panasonic printer PB20.ZIP 31938 06-10-92 PlayBack v2.0 record and playback keystrokes PFFORM13.ZIP 227207 06-12-89 Forms printing program PPP107.ZIP 22528 12-14-89 Popup utility - allows codes to printer PRINTER1.ZIP 143241 10-01-88 A collection of printer utils...nice. PRINTSET.ZIP 11222 08-20-88 UTILITY TO SET ESC. CODES FOR IBM PTR. PRNTGL18.ZIP 97024 06-08-92 PrintGL - pen plotter emulator QFONT15.ZIP 114333 04-20-90 HP Font Editor (EGA) RCK24-50.ZIP 127552 02-23-88 HPLJ softfonts: Rockland 24-50 pt RCK6-18.ZIP 74309 02-14-88 HPLJ softfonts: Rockland 6-18 pt. SAHARA.ZIP 45529 08-21-89 Sahara HPLJ Font made w/Type Foundry SP.ZIP 5365 08-20-88 SUPER PRINT SPOOLER VBOXKEYS.ZIP 12410 08-20-88 Add 52 Upper ASCII keys to your keyboard VCRCOVER.ZIP 17131 10-01-88 VCR Label Maker VISITEUR.ZIP 10330 06-01-88 Every 100 keys, the "visitor" appears! VPRINT5.ZIP 15360 02-09-90 Vprint v5.0 print spooler XKBD.ZIP 11593 01-10-91 Code to detect enhanced keyboard ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 16 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 09 - Windows Utilities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ 3DICON.ZIP 20540 02-05-91 three dimensional icons for Windows ACCE7D.ARJ 180370 06-15-92 Access TaskMan replacement for Win 3.1 ALM103.ZIP 145537 02-05-91 Almanac for Windows v1.03 calendar util APORIA.ZIP 349493 05-17-91 Icon Oriented WinFile Manager. Wild!! ARC13P.ZIP 28550 01-10-91 Font for ATM or SuperPrint (Windows) ATOM.ZIP 52365 05-07-92 Windows game between two molecules BART-S.ZIP 12554 02-05-91 Bart Simpson wallpaper for Windows BARTEYES.ZIP 13182 02-22-91 Wallpaper for Windows BATLOGO3.ZIP 3372 02-05-91 Batman logo bitmap for Windows BIGD23.ZIP 46039 06-07-92 Big Desk v2.3 Multiple Desktops for Windows BJ.ZIP 71787 05-09-92 black jack for windows 3.0 BLKCHA.ZIP 26988 01-10-91 Font for ATM or SuperPrint (Windows) CALIGULA.ZIP 27772 02-05-91 Postscript Adobe type fonts for Windows CCIZIP.ZIP 48224 05-28-92 windows pkware shell, very nice CHKBK6.ZIP 63048 02-05-91 Checkbook for Win 3.0 COYOTEWP.ZIP 10364 02-05-91 Famous Coyote wallpaper for Windows CP-70M.ZIP 274800 02-05-91 Command Post v7.0M Windows menu/batch sy DLR.EXE 33206 06-12-91 METZ Dialer - Self Extracting DN.EXE 102424 06-12-91 METZ file manager - self extracting DT.EXE 98872 06-12-91 METZ Desktop Manager - Self extracting ELEMENT2.ZIP 16531 01-10-91 Periodic Table for Windows w/source code ELEMENT3.ZIP 18181 05-17-91 Periodic Table V3 for Windows w/Source FANFARE.ZIP 164655 05-12-92 20th Cent. Fox "Fanfare" Sound WAV file. FM.EXE 15160 06-12-91 METZ Free Mem Utility - Self Extracting GNUCHESS.ZIP 151033 01-10-91 Chess for MS Windows with source code GRALIG.ZIP 29304 01-10-91 Font for ATM or SuperPrint (Windows) IBM-HATE.ZIP 7826 01-10-91 Windows wallpaper for IBM haters! ICOMB1.ZIP 17719 02-05-91 Windows icon viewer - shows 50 at once ICON0-9.ZIP 6798 02-24-92 Windows Icons 0 - 9 ICONA-N.ZIP 370611 02-24-92 Windows Icons A - N ICONDRAW.ZIP 32587 02-08-91 Icon editor for Windows ICONO-Z.ZIP 265291 02-24-92 Windows Icons O - Z LATHE.ZIP 40960 04-04-92 a 3-D modeling program for windows 11 files - New:01/12/1992 Old:01/03/1992 LOGOS.ZIP 4183 02-08-91 MS Windows bitmaps of software logos MTM.EXE 82739 06-12-91 METZ Taskmanager - Self Extracting OKNA.ZIP 135168 09-10-91 Okna Desktop Set Windows PIM #1 of 2 OKNA2.ZIP 129024 09-10-91 Okna Desktop Set Windows PIM #2 of 2 PBICON.ZIP 12646 02-05-91 PBIcon v1.0 - another Windows icon edito PH.EXE 60167 06-12-91 METZ Phone Book - Self Extracting PSP10.ZIP 309293 06-27-92 Paintshop Pro for Windows 3.X -- very good program to manipulate a variety of graphics image file formats. PUZZLE.ZIP 7365 02-05-91 Windows 3.0 puzzle game - GREAT! RCPWIN20.ZIP 73404 02-05-91 Recipe Maker v1.20 - grocery list pgm RMD12E.ZIP 141997 05-22-92 Windows reminder ver 1.2e from Wilson WinWare RNR.EXE 22841 06-12-91 METZ Command line launcher - Selfextract SCRPEAC3.ZIP 75085 05-07-92 Screen Peace Windows Screen Saver. Same program, as 1.2, but has more patterns ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 17 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 09 - Windows Utilities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ SNTFRA.ZIP 22735 01-10-91 Font for ATM or SuperPrint (Windows) SPDSTAR6.ZIP 753146 07-01-92 Speedstar Win3.1 drivers for ET4000 includes turbo drives that are much faster than generic ET4000 drives SPEAK.EXE 21248 07-05-92 This is the PC speaker driver file to include the license for those with windows 3.1. It was downloaded from the public Microsoft BBS. It is a self-expanding file. TM.EXE 15704 06-12-91 METZ Clock - Self Extracting TRASHCAN.ZIP 10042 06-03-92 Trashcan for Windows 3.1 Like a MAC trashcan TTFONTS1.ZIP 187980 04-21-92 True Type fonts for windows 3.1 TTFONTS2.ZIP 177139 04-25-92 More True Type Fonts TTFONTS4.ZIP 179628 04-25-92 True Type Fonts for Windows 3.1 TTFONTS5.ZIP 223916 04-25-92 More fonts for Windows 3.1 TTLUXEMB.ZIP 17315 05-04-92 True-Type font for Windows (Luxemborg) WBT20A.ZIP 153789 01-24-91 Windows Batch Language 2.0A WBT31D.ZIP 262819 05-22-92 Windows batch language ver 3.1d frm Wilson WW WCK16A.ZIP 88873 01-10-91 Shareware check&save register f/Windows WCK30P.ZIP 424203 05-22-92 Windows checkbook ver 3.0p from Wilson WWare WED10B.ZIP 86837 01-24-91 Windows Editor 1.0B f/Wilson WindowWare WHOOP.ZIP 151326 05-10-92 Add sounds to WIN 3.1 applications. WILHELP.ZIP 150926 05-22-92 Windows help for Wilson WindowWare WINCHE.ZIP 151693 04-14-92 Nice Window's Chess Game 69 files - New:11/18/1990 Old:07/27/1990 WINCUBE.ZIP 14036 02-05-91 Displays rotating cube in color WINDOZE.ZIP 17818 02-08-91 Parody of Windows from ByteBrothers WINMOD.ZIP 10924 01-10-91 Win Util in Mod-2 from Computer Magazine WINNEXT.ZIP 40856 07-01-92 NeXT tool bar for Windows 3.x w/eyes and clock built in WINORTON.ZIP 8639 02-05-91 Windows front-end for Norton Utilities WINPOST.ZIP 72972 07-04-92 WinPost v3.1a PostIt notes for Win3.x WINPRINT.ZIP 134981 06-13-91 Windows Batch Printing Utility WINQ200.ZIP 281942 06-05-92 QWK off-line mail reader for Windows 3.1 WINQ20A.ZIP 90932 06-17-92 update to winq200.zip - requires winq200 files and fixes several release problems WNQVT455.ZIP 149487 05-28-92 windows comm package very good WSCAN89B.ZIP 170902 05-22-92 Virus scanner for Windows, v89b, from McAfee ZM301.ZIP 88508 02-22-91 ZIPMANAGER WIN FRONTEND FOR PKWARE ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 18 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 10 - Engineering & Math Programs File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ 4X4MATRX.ZIP 6528 03-21-90 find determinent of 4 by 4 matrix ALGEBRAX.ZIP 71680 12-14-89 Excellent Algebra Tutor (CGA) ANIMATH.ZIP 315540 06-10-91 ANIMATED MATH FOR KIDS CALC201.ZIP 160774 08-07-89 Pre-calculus math tuorial COGO51.ZIP 139884 08-16-89 Technical drawing pgm for surveyors CONVERT.ZIP 48433 02-26-88 Converts one unit-of-measure to another\ DATAPLOT.ZIP 129139 08-16-89 PC-SIG plot program (plotter req'd) DIFFEQU9.ZIP 265290 08-16-89 Differential equations & calculus(EGA) EGACALC.ZIP 26795 08-29-88 EGA calculator -Sperry EGAGRAF.ZIP 62668 11-29-89 Math graphing program fo ega EZCASE.EXE 303342 09-10-91 Software Eng CASE tool w/DFDs STDs etc. FDA21-1.ZIP 142740 02-23-90 Filter Design & Anal. v2.1 (EVAL, 1 of 2 FDA21-2.ZIP 178147 02-23-90 Filter Design & Anal. v2.1 (EVAL, 1 of 2 FOURIE.ZIP 62780 06-26-89 Fourie smoothing program FRACTINT.ZIP 188032 09-30-89 Fast Fractal Prog. Incredible Graphics! FTNMATH1.ZIP 328685 08-16-89 FTN pgms for math problem solving from A FTNMATH2.ZIP 329284 08-16-89 FTN pgms for math problem solving from A FTNMATH3.ZIP 341148 08-16-89 FTN pgms for math problem solving from A FTNMATH4.ZIP 176647 08-16-89 FTN pgms for math problem solving from A HCALC.ZIP 11389 03-09-88 GREAT Scientific Calculator!!! HP28C.ZIP 124126 05-30-91 Emulate the HP-28C calculator on IBM-PC HPCALC.ZIP 119867 03-21-90 HP-11C, HP-12C, HP-16C Calculator IMAGE-3D.ZIP 128988 08-01-88 3d drawing program LAZERITH.ZIP 2680 07-21-89 A 1ST AND 2ND GRADE MATH PROGRAM MATHCAD.ZIP 158730 05-08-89 DEMO for mathcad Ver. 2.0 MATHPAD.ZIP 70791 01-30-89 a math scratchpad MTOOL.ZIP 94272 02-23-90 Math function plotter...excellent! PARTSIM5.ZIP 227392 11-29-89 Particle Simulator v5; may req 8087; EGA PCAL.ZIP 50227 08-28-90 A programmable scientific calculator POLYMATH.ZIP 101376 01-26-90 Language For Number Processing Ver:2.0 PROBSTAT.ZIP 256900 08-16-89 4 probability & stats pgms from PC-SIG PSP404B1.ZIP 149609 03-18-91 PSPICE - v4.04b of the circuit analysis PSP404B2.ZIP 328259 03-18-91 ...program. Broken into 6 parts for d/l PSP404B3.ZIP 151893 03-18-91 ..B1 & B2 were originally disk 1. PSP404B4.ZIP 230667 03-18-91 ..B3 & B4 were originally disk 2, and PSP404B5.ZIP 306715 03-18-91 ..B5 & B6 were originally disk 3. Also PSP404B6.ZIP 244050 03-18-91 ..needed is the doc file (B7). PSP404B7.ZIP 43239 03-18-91 Documentation for PSPICE 4.04b RURODE.ZIP 89054 01-30-89 R U Ready for Differential Equations RUSSIAN1.ZIP 85691 10-14-88 USSR software demo part 1 of 3 RUSSIAN2.ZIP 68543 10-14-88 USSR software demo part 2 of 3 RUSSIAN3.ZIP 71536 10-14-88 USSR software demo part 3 of 3 SPLINE.ZIP 26516 08-21-89 Interpolate Using Splines Under Tension ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 19 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 11 - Editors & Word Processors File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ 123PREP.ZIP 28401 02-22-88 Translate ASCII files to LOTUS work fil 1STPUB1.ZIP 106965 02-05-90 these go along with first publisher (pd) 1STPUB2.ZIP 119120 02-05-90 this goes with part 1 ADDLABEL.ZIP 4095 02-22-88 Make Labels for you disks. AICLIPS.ZIP 234907 01-24-91 Clip art in Adobe Illustrator format AMORT1X.ZIP 7074 02-25-88 Collection of Loan Schedules (123). ANSIEDT.ZIP 25050 03-09-88 Full char editor BESTWS.ZIP 7057 02-25-88 Collection of good patches for WordStar. CH2-V10.ZIP 9936 04-07-89 Utility to update Venture CHP file CHIWCYR.ZIP 3382 02-15-89 Chi Writer cyrillic font (Russian) CLEANS11.ZIP 4163 08-19-88 eliminates form feeds from documents. CP3.ZIP 4077 09-01-88 Mem Res Cut/Paste Util. ver. 3 DOGART.ZIP 317711 06-23-92 Geoworks Clipart of small dogs DUKETOOL.ZIP 151452 07-21-89 Duke U For. Lang. Toolkit Russ. Heb. Gr. EMACS310.ZIP 211118 01-26-90 MicroEMACS editor and docs, ver 3.10 EPGDISK3.ZIP 133167 02-06-89 Easy Presentaion Graphics disk 3 of 3 FASCII.ZIP 93870 03-07-88 Replace ASCII codes in files FEDSRV.ZIP 8594 10-01-88 WordPerfect MACRO for Legal Profession FILTER.ZIP 1439 05-16-88 wordstar to ascii and visa versa - small FOGFIND.ZIP 14999 03-07-88 CHECK THE FOG INDEX OF YOUR WRITEING GALAXY24.ZIP 211162 10-14-88 Galaxy v2.4 word processor ME301B.ZIP 175272 02-06-89 Multi Edit programmers' editor NE-DEMO.ZIP 21659 06-13-89 DEMO OF NORTON PROGRAMMERS EDITOR NJJ210.ZIP 606249 04-15-92 Japanese word processor, made in Australia by a Chinese. Comes with a DOC written in english. :) PCB9600.ZIP 9120 03-07-88 Discussion of 9600 Baud modems PCTEXDEM.ZIP 22798 02-09-90 Demo of PC-Text Scientific WP PCW302A.ZIP 183103 01-23-89 PC-Write v3.02 part 1 of 3 PCW302B.ZIP 180330 01-23-89 PC-Write v3.02 part 2 of 3 PCW302C.ZIP 229220 01-30-89 PC-Write v3.02 part 3 of 3 PP1.ZIP 158200 02-06-89 PenPal new word processing system 1 of 3 PP2.ZIP 112458 02-06-89 PenPal new word processing system 2 of 3 PP3.ZIP 74570 02-06-89 PenPal new word processing system 3 of 3 PSCRIB43.ZIP 152400 08-21-89 Pro Scribe Document Grader QED207KB.ZIP 35241 07-21-89 Keyboard Redefinition and macros for Qed QEDIT21B.ZIP 129024 07-04-90 The latest version of Qedit text editor RUSS4.ZIP 60277 07-21-89 Russian text editor Slow but good TED.ZIP 3524 10-31-88 a great 3k! screeneditor from PcMag UNWS.ZIP 749 08-16-85 Converts WordStar docs to ASCII VDE152.ZIP 91931 01-10-91 Video Display Editor VDE161.ZIP 130048 09-10-91 Video Display Editor text editor VI.ZIP 55619 08-21-89 VI text editor. (From Unix to PC). WP-LEGAL.ZIP 7469 10-27-87 Legal letter macros for WordPerfect user WP-OAIMP.ZIP 9763 02-07-88 WordPerfect system for attorneys WP50ART1.ZIP 58535 11-18-88 WordPerfect 5.0 art collection part 1 WP50ART2.ZIP 29784 11-13-88 WordPerfect 5.0 art collection part 2 WP50ART3.ZIP 37120 11-13-88 WordPerfect 5.0 art collection part 3 WP50ART4.ZIP 37939 02-06-89 more WordPerfect clip art ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 20 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 11 - Editors & Word Processors File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ WP50ART5.ZIP 21533 02-06-89 more WordPerfect clip art WP50ART6.ZIP 88874 02-06-89 more WordPerfect clip art WP50TUT.ZIP 246693 08-07-89 WordPerfect 5.0 Tutor needs no WP5.0 WP5MACRO.ZIP 61025 08-02-88 WordPerfect 5.0 group of useful macros WPDEMO1.ZIP 181036 04-14-90 Word Perfect Product Line Demonstration WPMACRO.ZIP 61025 03-22-89 useful macros for WP 5.0 WPMACRO1.ZIP 14336 09-10-91 Calender,Circle,Diamond WP macros WPMENU50.ZIP 13056 03-22-89 pull down menus for Word Perfect 5.0 WPMENU51.ZIP 17499 10-12-88 Roll-down menus for WordPerfect v. 5.0 WPTOOLS5.ZIP 178176 04-14-90 More recent collection of WordPerf Tools WPWSTAR.ZIP 11075 10-01-88 WSTAR 40 emul. keybd macro for WPFCT 50 WSCVUTIL.ZIP 31364 09-30-89 WordStar conversion utilities (old) XMASWPG.ZIP 247078 01-10-91 Holiday Season Word Perfect Graphics ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 21 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 12 - Graphics File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ 300LART.ZIP 92997 06-13-91 Some good 300DPI PCX format line art. 3D_MAND2.ZIP 81227 03-22-89 New 3D German fractal progr. & utilities 3D_M_NDP.ZIP 37537 03-22-89 3D Fractal prog. Vers. for coprocessor ALCHMY15.ZIP 384797 07-06-92 A computer image manipulator ANI-MATE.ZIP 28339 06-13-89 Draw Graphics (100 x 100 pixels) ANIMATE.ZIP 2184 05-09-92 Good Tips on Creating Ansi screens on The Draw. ANSIAID.ZIP 11498 03-09-88 Ansi graphics aids & tutorial ANSICV22.ZIP 64164 07-03-92 Convert GIFs to ANSI for Sysops BIGTIME.ZIP 33792 11-27-89 EGA PUT A BIG "LCD" CLOCK ON SCREEN BOBPMGR5.ZIP 38587 01-30-89 Graphic Icons for PrintMaster. BUGFRY.ZIP 27888 06-12-89 EGA BUG-LITE ZAPPER (ANIMATED) CURVE-D1.ZIP 179307 10-22-88 Curve Digitizer 2D-CAD (Disk 1 of 2) CURVE-D2.ZIP 163737 10-22-88 Curve Digitizer 2D-CAD (Disk 2 of 2) DANCD2-1.ZIP 153275 03-22-89 DanCAD 3-D CAD prog 1 of 2 DANCD2-2.ZIP 159931 03-22-89 DanCAD 3-D CAD prog 2 of 2 DC14H.ZIP 169257 12-23-90 Draft Choice v1.4h - CAD program DTP13.ZIP 332470 02-26-91 Complete monochrone paint pkg for DTP DTP23.ZIP 338794 04-30-92 DESKTOP PAINT PROGRAM FROM ALCHEMY MINDWORKS EGA2GIF.ZIP 17408 08-21-89 Captures EGA Screen, Converts to GIF! EGAFIRE.ZIP 14081 01-23-89 a good EGA fireworks display EGAFNT25.ZIP 60008 08-22-88 EGA Fonts with menu loader EGAKAL.ZIP 10529 05-01-88 Great EGA kalidescope -- fascinating EGAUTILS.ZIP 121856 11-29-89 Collection Of Useful EGA Utilities EPG-01.ZIP 138905 02-26-89 Easy Presentation Graphics 1 of 3 (VG). EPG-02.ZIP 133164 02-26-89 Easy Presentaion Graphics 2 of 3 EPG-03.ZIP 38371 02-26-89 Easy Presentation Graphics 3 of 3. EPGDISK1.ZIP 140032 02-06-89 Easy Presentaion Graphics disk 1 of 3 EPGDISK2.ZIP 138905 02-06-89 Easy Presentation Graphics disk 2 of 3 FWORKS.ZIP 77469 09-26-89 create your own fireworks display GRABBER.ZIP 5833 10-12-88 Copy screen text/graphics to .COM file GRAFWK.ZIP 239784 05-17-91 Change between grafx formats GRAFWK61.ZIP 362113 04-30-92 GRAPHICS WORKSHOP 6.1H FROM ALCHEMY MINDWORKS DOES IT ALL, VIEW ALL TYPES OF GRAPHICS AND ALSO PRINTS, CONVERTS, SIZES, ETC...... GWSWIN10.ZIP 259202 04-27-92 Graphics Workshop for Windows v.08 from Alchemy HANDFONT.ZIP 4003 06-12-89 Halarious, hand-scrawled EGA/VGA font HERCBIO.ZIP 23671 05-11-88 Herc driver source and adaption prog HERCCH.ZIP 1469 05-11-88 Herc Card util. Good! HOUSE.ZIP 41288 08-19-88 DRAW YOUR OWN DREAMHOUSE IA.ZIP 191509 04-13-92 Image Access - Graphics with notes 10 files - New:03/24/1992 Old:09/24/1989 LAND23.ZIP 60765 02-07-89 Paints fractal landscapes. CGA, EGA, VGA MAPVIEW1.ZIP 308666 10-03-89 Graphic world map system 1 of 4 MAPVIEW2.ZIP 321746 10-03-89 Graphic world map system 2 of 4 MAPVIEW3.ZIP 281156 10-09-89 Graphic world map system 3 of 4 MAPVIEW4.ZIP 150286 10-09-89 Graphic world map system 4 of 4 NEWDWG.ZIP 20810 03-22-89 Save and Start new DWG from ACAD10 edit ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 22 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 12 - Graphics File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ OKF212.ZIP 156856 02-15-89 OPTIKS v2.12 image view, edit & print PAINTER.ZIP 111648 12-23-90 Painters Apprentice bitmap graphics ed PATCHES.ZIP 43773 02-26-91 Navy squadron patches in .IMG format PATEGA.ZIP 42130 09-10-91 patriot missile demo -EGA PCDRAW-1.ZIP 116044 10-22-88 PC-KEY-DRAW v3.33 (Disk 1 of 2) PCDRAW-2.ZIP 104558 10-22-88 PC-KEY-DRAW v3.33 (Disk 2 of 2) PINKP.ZIP 36677 11-21-88 another graphic watch. EGA required. POOHBEAR.ZIP 5349 03-09-88 Cartoon w/music (Good graphics) PRINTGAL.ZIP 100793 08-21-89 PRINTGALLERY - display,print,convert ROLEX.ZIP 34640 08-02-88 You can own a Rolex! Graphic clock (EGA) SCEDIT11.ZIP 179748 04-14-92 An editor for various types of graphics files including .FLI files. Downloaded from Xignals PC-Board. SELDWG_3.ZIP 20338 03-22-89 Select AutoCAD dwg file from menu SIMCGA40.ZIP 11142 09-08-88 CGA emulator for HERC card (good) SINE.ZIP 5966 06-01-92 graphics of random designs for screen SNAKES.ZIP 32160 05-01-88 3 demos for ega graphics SPLAT.ARC 3968 04-14-90 An interesting EGA demo SWISH40.ZIP 40960 04-12-92 Demo in VGA SWISH41.ZIP 76487 09-10-91 Interesting EGA/VGA demo program!!! TDRAW330.ZIP 171777 03-21-90 a good ansi drawer!! TDRAW450.ZIP 237111 05-08-92 TheDraw 4.50. The LATEST, TRUE version. This is not a hack like 5.00. It is second- hand direct from the author. Great ANSI graphics editor. THATSALL.ZIP 1268 03-09-88 GRAPHIC/MUSICAL ENDING FOR BATCH FILE... TUNNEL.ZIP 1755 03-22-89 A hypnotic VGA program USFLAG.ZIP 1076 03-09-88 Graphic demo for HiRes Sperry VGAPAINT.ZIP 91136 12-23-90 vga paint program WHITE2.ZIP 280340 05-17-91 Graphics sampler in TIFF format. WORM.ZIP 9481 03-22-89 An EGA worm, nice graphics ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 23 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 13 - Radio & Electronics File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ AUTOSKEM.ZIP 67532 01-15-91 CAD pgm optimized for schematics BANDPLAN.ZIP 3308 05-17-91 frequency spectrum...text file BDS.ZIP 24740 02-26-89 A calculator for radio broadcast eng. BLT.ZIP 144000 01-15-91 Billings-Log-Traffic for broadcasters CT.ZIP 133398 02-26-89 Ham Radio Contest Log, SSB, CW; Packet CW1.ZIP 58545 02-26-89 Good morse code program ELECTRC2.ZIP 46485 02-26-89 A program for electrician calculations ELECTRON.ZIP 87090 08-16-89 Electrical calc pgm for tech & hobbyists HAMCOM.ZIP 60687 02-26-89 Ham Packet TNC Software by WB4ZJV HAMQUIZ.ZIP 121856 06-26-91 Ham License Quiz Help MICROWAV.ZIP 10976 02-26-89 Calculates Z and VSWR's MINPROP2.ZIP 107251 02-26-89 Ham Radio Propagation Predictions MORSEMAN.ZIP 54538 02-26-89 Learn Morse Code MOTO2Q92.ZIP 417017 04-27-92 Motorola 2Q92 semiconductor data library MSYS105D.ZIP 83673 08-21-89 Packet radio BBS for hams (2 of 2) MSYS105P.ZIP 184157 08-21-89 Packet radio BBS system for hams (1 of 2 NET210.ZIP 170225 09-11-89 Network analysis program PCROUTE.ZIP 96409 01-15-91 Computer aided circuit board design PERFECT.ZIP 64512 08-16-89 Design the perfect loudspeaker REPEATER.ZIP 14336 02-09-90 Alabama Ham Radio Repeater freq's RFS.ZIP 91576 02-26-89 Solve radio broadcasting eng. problems RFSV202.ZIP 102824 01-15-91 RF Specialties - brdcast eng pkg SATTELIT.ZIP 3940 02-26-89 Finds OSCAR satellites for HAM radio SCANFREQ.ZIP 7168 02-09-90 Some scanner freequencies SCANFRQ1.ZIP 64589 08-16-89 Many scanner frequencies SCANNER.ZIP 9216 02-09-90 More scanner frequencies ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 24 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 14 - GIF Files & Viewers File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ 1701.ZIP 7272 04-21-88 MAC pic of the Enterprise 1701D.GIF 6144 02-26-89 A GIF of New Generation Enterprise ALEXIS.ZIP 30594 02-17-88 Macpaint of Kim Alexis ALLMAC.ZIP 7913 03-09-88 Excellent ReadMac utility ALMADEN.GIF 18176 08-29-88 16 color 320x200 from Amiga 4096 colors APACHE.GIF 2927 04-30-92 a gif of an apache helicopter AQUAGIRL.GIF 37504 05-16-88 Girl looking in aquarium. EGA MSSTC ARIEL2.GIF 244191 04-25-92 A GOOD GIF OF THE LITTLE MERMAID ARLENE.GIF 150587 08-15-89 nice vga gif ASTRON.GIF 134144 05-23-90 Nice GIF of an astronaut in space ATAT.GIF 25856 01-07-90 VGA VER ATAT WALKER FROM STAR WARS ATATEGA.GIF 14026 01-07-90 EGA VER ATAT WALKER FROM STARWARS AUDI.GIF 336 04-30-92 the audi logo AUSSIE.GIF 35840 10-17-88 A GIF picture of Australia AUTO.GIF 2432 03-09-88 GIF pic of sportscar. BADSPOCK.ZIP 46200 11-21-88 GIF pic of Bad Spock fm 'Mirror, Mirror' BALLOONS.GIF 42640 05-06-92 Picture of a hot air balloon race BANJO.GIF 191032 04-30-92 A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS 640x400x256 BART-1.GIF 11015 04-26-92 A GIF OF BART SIMPSON BART-2.GIF 6026 04-26-92 A GOOD GIF OF BART SIMPSON BART-5.GIF 30350 04-26-92 BART AT HIS BEST BART.GIF 5760 07-04-90 a "really cool dude" - bart simpson BEATLES.ZIP 8161 03-17-88 Readmac of the Fab Four BENGAL.GIF 19968 04-05-88 B/W GIF pic of a Bengal tiger (EGA) BLAKBEAR.GIF 337459 05-02-92 640x480x256 Two Black Bear Cubs é] BLAST.GIF 49152 05-16-88 Great Space Shuttle! VGA MSSTC BLUES.ZIP 4504 09-14-88 A MAC picture of the Blues Brothers. BOAT2.GIF 7552 05-16-88 Moonlit Chinese Junk. EGA MSSTC BOEING.GIF 10880 05-23-90 Nice, IN-AIR view of 3 P-12E planes. BROOKE.ZIP 11427 03-17-88 Brooke in MacPaint BUD.GIF 17024 04-05-88 Don't let this happen to you BUGS.GIF 7552 05-16-88 Bugs Bunny. EGA MSSTC CALRASIN.GIF 21504 08-02-88 GIF picture of California Raisins CALVIN2.GIF 8192 08-15-89 gif picture of spaceman spiff. CHERNOB.GIF 125396 09-10-91 SPOT image of chernobyl CHERYL.GIF 21504 05-16-88 Cheryl Tiegs. Nice. EGA MSSTC CHRISTIE.ZIP 23674 03-17-88 MacPaint of Christie Brinkley CLOWN.GIF 51200 01-07-90 VGA A VERY GOOD CLOWN FACE CLOWNEGA.GIF 44081 01-07-90 EGA VER A VERY GOOD CLOWN CMG10.ZIP 13552 03-17-88 Print GIF and RLE pics COMPUT1.GIF 12146 04-30-92 A gif file that explains the computer in plain english. CORVETTE.ZIP 9650 08-21-89 READMAC OF 1986 CORVETTE COUNTACH.ZIP 18933 03-17-88 Readmac of a Lamborghini CRUE.GIF 6144 01-07-90 mOTLEY CRUE LOGO CSH824A.ZIP 105682 06-26-91 CSHOW GIF, PCX, Etc. viewer V8.24a CSHOWMS.ZIP 28578 06-26-91 FINALLY - Mouse support for CSHOW ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 25 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 14 - GIF Files & Viewers File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ CTYLGT.GIF 12032 04-05-88 City Lights DBLOGO.GIF 33792 01-10-91 logo for DB of Civil War Game (SSG) DEATH.ZIP 17520 03-17-88 One person's view of death DEATH1.GIF 33792 08-02-88 GIF pic of Imperial Cruiser from Star W. DODOT.ZIP 320430 05-14-92 video picture viewer like wingif with some other capabilities DONDUC.GIF 12544 04-05-88 Donald Duck (EGA) good. EAGLE.GIF 9216 05-23-90 A colorful EGA eagle EDDIE.ZIP 20641 03-17-88 Readmac of Eddie Murphy EGAEAGLE.GIF 50013 06-12-89 Targa Eagle made for EGA by an Amiga. ENTERP.GIF 2432 04-05-88 The U.S.S. Enterprise ERISE.GIF 19328 04-05-88 Earth, as seen from the moon EYE.ZIP 17570 09-14-88 A MAC picture of a human eye. FASTGIF.ZIP 29720 04-01-88 Display GIF pics on monitor FELINE.GIF 21504 08-19-88 A lady and her big cat. FERRARI.ZIP 5174 03-17-88 Readmac of a Ferrari FLOYD.GIF 3072 01-10-91 Dark Side of the Moon FLOYD2.GIF 4992 01-10-91 Pink Floyd FRACTB.GIF 6912 02-26-89 GIF of a simulated fractual landscape FROG.GIF 8576 05-23-90 Colorful Picture of a frog. FROG2.GIF 22528 07-04-90 A color GIF of a frog in a tree FUJI.GIF 7168 01-10-91 Mt Fuji GARFIELD.GIF 3840 03-09-88 GIF pic of Garfield GARFIELD.ZIP 3050 03-17-88 Readmac of Garfield (fair) GDS109.ZIP 137276 06-13-91 Excellent Hi-Res GIF viewer/w slides GIF2JPG5.ZIP 143298 04-30-92 a good gif archiver GIFDOT20.ZIP 106496 04-14-90 Utilities for printing out GIFs GIRL.GIF 48212 07-02-92 GOOD PICTURE OF A NICE LOOKING GIRL.... GLASS.GIF 67584 05-16-88 3d of glass marbles?? VGA MSSTC HANDS.GIF 3328 03-09-88 GIF pic of M.C Escher's "Hands". HEADROOM.ZIP 11043 03-21-88 A MAC pic of compu-guy Max Headroom. HEATHER.ZIP 26993 02-17-88 MAC pic of H. Locklear in bathing suit. HEATHERT.ZIP 27107 03-07-88 MacPaint of Heather Thomas HENDRIX.ZIP 20170 03-17-88 The MAN in MacPaint HOMLOGO.GIF 12288 01-10-91 logo from HOM game (SSG) HOUND.ZIP 455511 04-14-92 A neat .FLI file from Atari. Sort of Christmasy. HOUSE.GIF 22400 07-04-90 Nice, colorful picture of landscape. HOUSE2.GIF 25600 10-17-88 A GIF picture of a two story house HULK.GIF 3072 03-09-88 GIF of Hulk Hogan. HUNTS3D.GIF 154738 09-10-91 3d landsat over topo for huntsville ICEWORLD.GIF 103168 08-15-89 A fairly large 256 color gif file ICON110D.ZIP 105134 06-01-88 DEMO program to convert many pic formats ILL1.ZIP 13707 08-19-88 Optical Illusions, MAC style #1 ........ ILL2.ZIP 12592 08-19-88 Optical Illusions, MAC style #2 ........ JERSEY.GIF 53760 05-16-88 Jersey Harbor. VGA MSSTC JUPITER.ZIP 11552 07-07-89 16 Gray-level Jupiter TIFF. Good 4 WP50 KILLER.ZIP 11710 03-17-88 Readmac of a "Killer" KIM.ZIP 65878 03-09-88 Kim Alexis (2) ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 26 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 14 - GIF Files & Viewers File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ KLINGFLI.ZIP 38874 04-29-92 .FLI file of Klingon ship cloaking. LEIA.GIF 12032 05-16-88 Princess Leia. EGA MSSTC LETTRMAN.ZIP 8131 04-21-88 David Letterman in his very own MAC pic LIFTOFF3.ZIP 25706 08-19-88 MAC picture of space shuttle lift off. LISA.GIF 18795 04-26-92 A GIF OF LISA SIMPSON LONDON.GIF 177792 08-15-89 Nice GIF of london 256 color gray scale MAGGIE.GIF 22413 04-26-92 A GIF OF MAGGIE SIMPSON MANHAT1.GIF 6528 05-23-90 New York City tours MANSON.GIF 33792 05-16-88 Charles Manson .GIF picture. MSSTC MATTIE.ZIP 31218 04-21-88 MAC pic of Mattie Hayes of Moonlighting MC-SBTG1.GIF 104476 04-29-92 800x600x256 Swedish Bikini Team - Very Nice MOEB.ZIP 17488 08-19-88 A Mac pic of ants in a infinite loop. MOON.GIF 17664 05-23-90 On moon picture. (pretty good) MTF.ZIP 12080 09-14-88 Display title of MAC files. Suprising! OPUS.ZIP 10914 03-09-88 MAC paint of penguin ORBITER4.ZIP 16837 08-19-88 MAC picture of day landing of shuttle. ORBITER5.ZIP 9370 08-19-88 MAC picture of night landing of shuttle. ORCH01.GIF 9516 04-26-92 A GOOD GIF OF AN ORCHID ORCH04.GIF 7328 04-26-92 A GOOD GIF OF AN ORCHID ORCH08.GIF 9145 04-26-92 A GOOD GIF OF AN ORCHID ORCH09.GIF 9874 04-26-92 A GOOD GIF OF AN ORCHID ORCH13.GIF 6579 04-26-92 A GOOD GIF OF AN ORCHID ORCH14.GIF 6052 04-26-92 A GOOD GIF OF AN ORCHID ORCH17.GIF 8253 04-26-92 A GOOD GIF OF AN ORCHID PANEL.ZIP 10529 03-30-88 A real "wower" of a MAC pic. Try it! PAULINA.ZIP 16748 04-21-88 Paulina P. from SI swimsuit issue PLANE.GIF 26240 05-23-90 REAL nice, colorful picture of a PLANE! PLANET.GIF 78795 04-14-90 a very nice large gif. PLAY06.ZIP 12214 04-14-92 A player program for those .FLI files. POLOPONY.GIF 4480 05-23-90 Picture of polopony and rider. PORSCHE.ZIP 36246 03-09-88 MAC pic of the auto RACHEL.ZIP 21855 08-21-89 MAC of Rachel McLish READ!.ZIP 2456 03-09-88 READMAC program that works with Herc. READMAC.EXE 2816 05-24-86 Reads Mac Paint files & disp/prt ON IBM READMAC3.COM 2944 02-01-88 READMAC FOR HERCULES GRAPHICS CARD RENSTIM.GIF 17620 05-06-92 Happy, Happy! Joy, Joy! It's Ren and Stimpy!!! RESORT.GIF 41984 05-16-88 Ski Resort. EGA MSSTC RFTS.GIF 29777 01-10-91 Reach for the Stars (SSG) logo ROMLOGO.GIF 14336 01-10-91 Rommel game (SSG) logo RONBO.ZIP 29196 03-17-88 A "new" movie? RONNIE.ZIP 20578 03-17-88 Our Prez! ROOM.ZIP 41698 11-21-88 GIF of a room from amigia. Great SAILBOAT.ZIP 19364 09-14-88 A MAC picture of a sailboat. SAM_16.GIF 3072 01-10-91 Uncle Sam SAT_MOON.ZIP 18905 07-07-89 16 Gray-level Saturn Moon TIFF by Voyagr SFC.GIF 8099 04-29-92 .GIF pic of Star Fleet Command logo SHTLGLDR.ZIP 26105 09-14-88 MacPaint files of Shuttle Glider Kit SHUTTLE.ZIP 4019 03-17-88 Readmac of the Space Shuttle ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 27 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 14 - GIF Files & Viewers File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ SKULL.ZIP 12530 08-19-88 Mac picture of a human skull. SNAPSHOT.ZIP 37565 05-06-88 Small, fast .GIF (only) viewer...good! SPACE.ZIP 1086 07-07-92 Graphics for screen random SPCSHTL.ZIP 45478 03-22-89 EGA Pictures of Space Shuttle! SPOCKI.GIF 24704 04-05-88 Spock & Kirk SPWALK.GIF 19200 05-16-88 Space Walker. EGA MSSTC STAR.ZIP 22794 04-21-88 MAC pic from Star Wars STARTREK.ZIP 17441 03-17-88 good readmac of Enterprise crew STPARK.ZIP 342102 05-30-92 CHEAHA STATE PARK OXFORD, ALABMA VGA REQ STVIEWER.EXE 88064 08-01-88 An Atari ST TNY picture viewer for IBM SWIM.GIF 236234 06-05-92 Pretty girl in swimsuit VGA 256 color TERMINAT.ZIP 17242 08-19-88 "The Terminator" (Great) THEGRIN2.ZIP 26189 05-10-88 MacPaint Utility TIGER.ZIP 21282 04-21-88 A real Grissom tiger. MAC pic. TRAIN.GIF 37632 05-23-90 Nice, colorful picture of the Santa Fe TREK2.GIF 217675 04-26-92 a good star trek gif TREK5GIF.EXE 228519 06-11-91 self-extr Star Trek 5 gif's. cool... TRUEBLUE.ZIP 16782 08-19-88 A Mac pic of Madonna's True Blue Album VGA-005.GIF 61184 09-26-89 Dock with ropes VGA Gif 256 color VPIC46.ZIP 107217 11-12-91 VPIC version 4.6 GIF (and others) viewer VPIC48.ZIP 128093 05-27-92 VPIC version 4.8. View GIF/TGA/PCX pictures. VPIC50.ZIP 134317 07-07-92 Version 5.0 of Vpic from BOB WATERFAL.ZIP 21257 03-17-88 Readmac of castle with waterfall (3-D) WINTER.GIF 260212 04-30-92 A GOOD WINTER SCENE GIF WOODDUCK.GIF 21632 07-04-90 Colorful picture of 2 ducks in a pond! WTRFALL.GIF 14976 05-16-88 Waterfall. EGA MSSTC ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 28 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 15 - Compilers & Programmer Utils File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ !BOSS01.ZIP 122994 05-08-89 Windows BOSS C-Library 1 of 3 !BOSS02.ZIP 305067 05-08-89 Windows BOSS C-library 2 of 3 !BOSS03.ZIP 60025 05-08-89 Windows BOSS C-Library DOCs 3 of 3 68C11RTE.ZIP 60304 02-05-90 68HC11 Real Time Executive 68C11_C.ZIP 51841 02-05-90 68HC11 Small-C Cross-Compiler 68XX_ASM.ZIP 116842 02-05-90 Motorola Freeware Assemblers: 68xx parts A86.ZIP 41829 05-26-88 Nice FAST 8086 assembler (Shareware). ADA-TUTR.ZIP 223603 10-27-89 Ada Tutor, v.1.22. Needs no compiler. ALLCHAR.ZIP 5917 02-15-89 TP word processor (w/source) APL.ZIP 180316 08-21-89 Small APL language interpreter ASMGEN.ZIP 17564 02-25-88 8086 DISASSEMBLER ASMTUTR.ZIP 26952 11-30-89 Assembly Language Tutorial ASMWIZ13.ZIP 79897 02-22-91 Assembly Wizardy Library v1.3 BAS051.ZIP 31875 04-07-89 A MS-DOS BASIC XCompiler for 8051/31 BIOSREF.ZIP 27375 12-07-88 BIOS reference card C-WINDOW.ZIP 47132 02-26-88 WINDOWS CODE AND DEMO IN 'C' CLMWP.ZIP 23854 02-15-89 TP word processor (w/source) COMINTRM.ZIP 8564 09-11-89 intrp driven com svc & demo (TP) CTUTOR-1.ZIP 113270 03-18-87 C language tutorial (1 of 2) CTUTOR-2.ZIP 96187 03-18-87 C language tutorial (2 of 2) CUG124.ZIP 71754 05-08-89 C source for TeX subset uses fancy font CUSR236.ZIP 94728 09-26-90 Portable utilities from a C users group C_SOURCE.ZIP 90119 07-08-88 C_Language-Source files (w/C_TUTOR.ARC) C_TUTOR.ZIP 115209 07-08-88 C-Language Tutorial (w/C_Source.ARC) D86V319A.ZIP 58007 02-26-89 Shareware debugger, part 1 of 2 D86V319B.ZIP 27281 02-26-89 Shareware debugger, part 2 of 2 DBPR20-1.ZIP 55850 05-08-89 Turbo-C Database lib part 1 of 3 DBPR20-2.ZIP 100662 05-08-89 Turbo-C Database library part 2 of 3 DBPR20-3.ZIP 76717 05-08-89 Turbo-C Database Library part 3 of 3 DIRSRCH.ZIP 1625 08-07-85 Sample Directory program (TP) DISK-424.ZIP 76150 08-19-88 Turbo Pascal Utilities DISK-428.ZIP 102616 08-19-88 Turbo Pascal Utilities DOSREF.ZIP 20086 12-07-88 Dos reference card EZYCHT13.ZIP 120570 08-21-89 Easy Chart flow charting program FORASM.ZIP 116838 07-06-88 A good collection of misc. FORTRAN code GIF-PAS.ZIP 21752 02-16-89 TP source to .GIF standard (EGA) JAZ_CLIB.ZIP 207358 05-08-89 Jack Zucker's C-source Library LIGHTPAT.ZIP 2376 03-09-88 Turbo Lightning patches ME400A.ZIP 305186 07-21-89 Multi-Edit Demo ver 4.00A - prg. editor! MENDOW21.ZIP 14240 04-09-87 Menu's & Windows with TP MENUMAKR.ZIP 2417 03-09-88 Create a menu from BASIC MISC-C.ZIP 20893 03-09-88 MISCELLANEOUS 'C' ROUTINES MNP.ZIP 37483 12-14-89 Programmers utils for MNP modem control MODEM.ZIP 5341 12-22-86 TP modem program PAS-IO.ZIP 38912 01-26-90 IBM Pascal Utility I/O Subroutines PDPROLOG.ZIP 125315 07-06-88 pd prolog programing language PED101.ZIP 167763 08-07-89 Programming editor PI47.ZIP 93627 06-13-92 þþþ PROGRAM INSTALLER PRO Version 4.7 þþþ Professional Developer's / Programmer's Auto- ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 29 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 15 - Compilers & Programmer Utils File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ Installation Program. Highly Congifurable. Sets up in minutes! A must for software dist- ributors who want a professional, hi-quality installation front-end for their applications. Many new enhancements. Top in its Class! PLDEMO1.ZIP 329163 08-03-89 MS CDROM Programmer's Library Demo 1/2 PLDEMO2.ZIP 230689 08-03-89 MS CDROM Programmer's Library Demo 2/2 PULLC21.ZIP 209771 01-10-91 Pull-down windows for Turbo-C PULLCDMO.ZIP 59165 01-10-91 Demo of PULLC21.ZIP QBSCR14.ZIP 265333 05-17-91 Quick Basic Window Routines (GREAT) QBX.ZIP 46556 07-07-89 Quick Basic label/symbol cross reference QUATFONT.ZIP 13467 02-16-89 TP source to add QUATTRO fonts to v4.0 QWIKC21.ZIP 76860 01-10-91 Turbo-C Screen Handler w/PULLC21 QWIKCDMO.ZIP 23062 01-10-91 Demo for Shareware Qwikc21 R3SIM.ZIP 50135 09-26-89 Emulates the Motorola 68705R3 chip REFCARD.ZIP 7404 01-22-90 A reference card for C programmers SC88.ZIP 81212 07-06-88 Small-C new Byte Version SCBENCH.ZIP 30412 07-06-88 Small-c benchmarks and support from BYTE SCI.ZIP 32520 03-09-88 Interactive Interpeter based on Small C SCL1A.ZIP 123905 01-22-90 Function library for C compilers SD233.ZIP 91888 07-17-88 Screed Designer v2.33 SL-TC130.ZIP 143129 01-22-90 Steve's Libraries for Turbo C SMALL-C.ZIP 42185 03-09-88 SMALL C COMPILER TANDY.ZIP 48768 05-17-91 TurboC++ for Tandy 16 Color Shareware TASM.ZIP 103520 02-05-90 Cross Assembler: 6502,8048,8051,6805... TBASIC.ZIP 136148 06-13-88 Demo version of True Basic TBWIND32.ZIP 23276 06-13-89 Turbo Basic Windowing Procedure (Great) TC-XMEM.ZIP 14445 08-21-89 Access extended memory from Turbo-C TP4MOUSE.ZIP 2689 02-15-89 Mouse driver for Turbo Pascal 4.0 TPIO22.ZIP 41848 06-20-88 Good Turbo Pascal data entry utils TPMOUSE.ZIP 1862 02-15-89 Mouse driver for Turbo Pascal 3.0 TTT405.ZIP 196397 08-19-88 TPv4.0 routines for Windows,Menus,Data.. TURBODBG.ZIP 24048 08-19-88 Turbo Pascal Debugger. GOOD. UCRASM.ZIP 241009 02-25-92 U of Calif/Riverchase ASM library VISPAS.ZIP 75687 07-06-88 visible pascal programing language. WASM20.ZIP 98950 01-24-91 Wolfware's Shareware Assembler. WNDWC21.ZIP 133297 01-10-91 Turbo-C Windowing Shareware WNDWCDMO.ZIP 42637 01-10-91 Demo for wndwc21 XREF.ZIP 31525 10-01-89 Basic X-ref & optimizer ZINCDEMO.ZIP 266796 04-27-92 demo of the ZINC interface library ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 30 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 16 - Misc. Programs & Utils File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ ALMANAK.ZIP 219669 08-21-89 Farmers' Almanac on the computer! ANIALPH1.ZIP 269559 06-12-91 Animated Alphabet for kids (1 of 2) ANIALPH2.ZIP 221246 06-12-91 Animated Alphabet for kids (2 of 2) ATLAS-1.ZIP 106990 07-04-90 Answers of the world - Part 1 ATLAS-2.ZIP 46179 07-04-90 Answers of the world - Part 2 BAL310-M.ZIP 137181 01-30-89 Balistics program - very good! BDAY.ZIP 37888 01-24-91 Excellent birthday/anniversary reminder BDAYS.ZIP 14735 03-30-92 bdays.exe consists of the executable and a data file. The purpose is to display important dates upon boot up which you have specified in the data file. There is a look ahead period specified in days which you also specify in the data file. It is simple but I have found it extremely useful !! BIBLEQ.ZIP 78693 09-26-88 pretty good bible quiz. BIBLEROM.EXE 82304 12-23-89 Bible on CD-ROM Demo self extracting BIBLEV3.ZIP 60331 03-21-89 Bible Verse of the Day program - v3.00 BIBLEV4.ZIP 122117 06-26-91 BIBLE Verse on bootup! Customizable. BIO802.ZIP 38016 06-26-91 Track your biorythm BIOCAL40.ZIP 31744 12-14-89 Check Your Biorhythms, See High or Low BIRDSONG.ZIP 13914 01-03-89 Birdcalls, including diagrams BK45CDOC.ZIP 44544 02-11-91 Brother's Keeper v4.5c - Part 3 of 3 BK45CPGM.ZIP 235136 02-11-91 Brother's Keeper v4.5c Genealogy Program BK45CRPT.ZIP 230656 02-11-91 Brother's Keeper c4.5c - Part 2 of 3 BLKBOOK.ZIP 78894 03-22-89 "Blaque Book" ver 3.3 CEF111.ZIP 149504 11-29-89 Manage Your Manufacturing Cost Ver:1.11 COMICS.ZIP 128131 02-07-89 Comic Book Database program CONFIDE.ZIP 68085 01-12-89 Data encryption (uses the DES std) CONG_QC1.ZIP 320074 05-04-92 QC is a computerized Congressional information system. Excellent resource on all congressman/senators. Can be a TSR that takes up 0K if loaded high. Can cut address and information to paste into your word processor. Uses advanced technology that makes it extremely easy to use! Not crippled. Richards Software. CRYHELP.ZIP 8143 05-16-88 Make your computer talk... CUTE! DANAL.ZIP 126790 08-15-89 DANAL v1.2 data analysis program 8087req DDLABEL.ZIP 307475 01-24-91 Dr. Data mailing label package DIARY.ZIP 112948 06-13-91 Diary program DVSI2_00.ZIP 233676 05-15-92 Performance analyzer/tools for DesqView Monitor/Reports system and handles print queue EDGDC6.ZIP 86769 04-14-90 Family Edge Genealogy Docs Part 3 EDGENEW.ZIP 25274 04-14-90 Family Edge Genealogy Info Part 4 EDGPRG.ZIP 146992 04-14-90 Family Edge Genealogy Data Base Part 1 EDGUTL.ZIP 89593 04-14-90 Family Edge Genealogy Utils Part 2 EDNSCKBK.ZIP 154256 06-26-91 Edna's cookbook database EEPUB.ZIP 348800 08-02-89 Optimiz. & Design for High Freq. Network ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 31 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 16 - Misc. Programs & Utils File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ ENVELOPE.ZIP 22754 12-30-89 Addresses envelopes (both to and from) FLAGS.ZIP 81920 12-23-89 Displays 115 National Flags In Color FM2CMP12.ZIP 110682 04-07-89 FST Modula-2 Compiler v1.2 (1 of 5) FM2DOC12.ZIP 44942 04-07-89 FST Modula-2 Compiler v1.2 (2 of 5) FM2EXA.ZIP 25483 04-07-88 FST Modula-2 Compiler v1.2 (3 of 5) FM2LIB12.ZIP 111132 04-07-89 FST Modula-2 Compiler v1.2 (5 of 5) FM2UTL12.ZIP 54091 04-07-89 FST Modula-2 Compiler v1.2 (4 of 5) FONE1.ZIP 167533 12-30-89 Price Phone Call While On Line 1 of 2 FONE2.ZIP 49152 11-29-89 Price Phone Call While On Line 2 of 2 FONEWD.ZIP 23507 12-02-86 Converts phone numbers to words FORMTOOL.ZIP 130930 03-22-89 forms gen good FRACTINT.ZIP 96499 07-07-89 the best fractal program I've seen FRENCH1.ZIP 35020 02-26-89 GOOD FRENCH TUTOR FRENCH2.ZIP 30610 02-26-89 2ND PART OF FRENCH1.ARC FT-ETC.ZIP 167088 09-30-89 Family Tree, Etc. (genealogy pgm) GEOCLOCK.ZIP 317810 04-14-92 Show the earth as the sun rises and sets. very nice program ZipLab > Old - Newest file is 06/23/1990 GERMAN1.ZIP 34994 02-26-89 GERMAN LANGUAGE PART 1 OF 2 GERMAN2.ZIP 31833 02-26-89 GERMAN LANGUAGE PART 2 OF 2 GODSPEED.ZIP 240557 09-26-88 BIBLE SEARCH DEMO MTH - JHN GOURMET1.ZIP 40960 12-23-89 Gourmet Recipe Program Ver:1.10 1 of 2 GOURMET2.ZIP 41984 12-23-89 Gourmet Recipe Program Ver:1.10 2 of 2 GRADEBK.ZIP 89088 09-26-90 Magic gradebook manager Excellent!! GRAPH-15.ZIP 90112 06-26-91 Graph Monthly Data: Bills, Profit, etc. GROCERY1.ZIP 63473 02-26-89 Keep up with grocery list! HANDWRIT.ZIP 116736 12-14-89 Handwriting Analyzer Program Ver:2.0 HOMETUTR.ZIP 32768 12-14-89 Create Your Own Questions and Answers HOTBOOT.ZIP 31408 05-16-88 Play harmless little computer pranks..B IDEATREE.ZIP 137010 06-26-91 Unique thinking tool to structure ideas ITALIAN.ZIP 33580 02-26-89 BASIC ITALIAN LESSONS JUDY.ZIP 53479 01-30-89 Calendar/Date Book pgm JUMBO254.ZIP 260489 07-04-92 Tape Backup v2.54 from Colo Mem Systems w/WIN KALEDIS.ZIP 14794 07-07-89 EGA/VGA Kalediscope KLEE.ZIP 21340 01-02-90 WordStar utilities - very powerful stuff LBLMAGIC.ZIP 171008 12-23-90 A very NICE label making program LITEMATE.ZIP 47351 07-21-89 AREA LIGHTING PROGRAM LOG14.ZIP 88353 06-26-91 Daily schedule program. Nice! LOTTO.ZIP 176052 04-21-92 Let the computer pick your lottery numbers LTRHPLUS.ZIP 118939 12-14-89 Custom Letter Heads Plus More! MEALMAST.ZIP 60416 12-14-89 Store, Update and Print Your Recipes MEMBER52.ZIP 48128 12-23-89 Maintain Membership List For Clubs, Etc. MICROBAR.ZIP 100248 10-16-88 PC Bartender guide MINDREAD.ZIP 204800 11-30-89 Powerful Text Editor/Address Book MSWORKS.ZIP 224256 11-27-89 Microsoft Works "Demo Disk" MURPHY.ZIP 20353 01-30-89 good dose of ye old Murphy's Laws NAMEDATE.ZIP 284115 04-21-92 Addresses,calendar,reminder & mailing list NMRA.ZIP 135892 08-02-89 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance analysis pt A NMRB.ZIP 189907 08-02-89 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis pt B ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 32 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 16 - Misc. Programs & Utils File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ ORBITSIM.ZIP 130721 08-21-89 Planet Orbit Simulation PALMREAD.ZIP 80896 12-14-89 Palm reading program, EGA/VGA required PCDICT.ZIP 67584 12-23-89 Program To Enhance Your Word Power PCGLOBE3.ZIP 229376 03-21-90 Computerized Atlas/177 Countries (Demo) PCO334LZ.ZIP 130291 04-07-89 PC-Outline ver 3.34, incl LaserJet supt PCSIG573.ZIP 86372 07-07-89 single chip cross assembler PCSIG643.ZIP 52776 07-07-89 Table Driven Cross Assembler PERIODIC.ARC 42263 04-14-90 Chemistry Element Periodic Chart (EGA) PICLABEL.ZIP 87452 09-10-91 Put graphics on your mailing labels PLANET.ZIP 89336 08-16-89 A good astronomy program PRCOOKBK.ZIP 149269 12-30-89 Personal Recipe Cookbook Ver:2.3 PRES1.ZIP 154624 09-21-89 U.S. Presidents Quiz - 1 of 2 PRES2.ZIP 195584 09-21-89 U.S. Presidents Quiz - 2 of 2 PROD21.ZIP 166144 04-29-92 Spelling Dictionary to use with Prodigy utilities, and software developed by Gateway Software, Inc.: - PROMASTER: What PRODIGY should be! - eVa: GEnie Front End software ASP member PSHM20.ZIP 122880 11-27-89 Home Management System Ver:2.0 PYROD2.ZIP 73728 06-26-91 Formula Mixing,save 400 in 20 catagories RDABILTY.ZIP 150234 09-10-91 Writing style analyzer ROLO.ZIP 189576 06-26-91 An Electronic Rolodex for the home or SEEKEASY.ZIP 100352 01-26-90 Information Retrival Program SF171.ZIP 95232 12-14-89 Federal Job Application Form System SKYGLOBE.ZIP 231424 04-14-90 A nice astronomy program SND2WAV.ZIP 18634 04-25-92 Converts snd and voc files to windows 3.1 wav files. SPELLB20.ZIP 307613 02-11-91 Spell tutor for home or class STRANGE.ZIP 31471 09-30-89 a NEAT deranged story writer - IBM STYLIST.ZIP 79872 12-23-89 Helps You By Analyzing Your Writing TAME220.ZIP 44118 07-04-90 program for taking back "tics".Desqview TELEFONE.ZIP 26678 06-01-89 Telephone/Address Directory THESAR.ZIP 147456 12-14-89 Handy Little Synonym Checker TODAY.ZIP 89088 08-07-89 Show historical events on today's date TRAN.ZIP 36680 08-21-89 Another text to speech program TTT20.ZIP 37888 12-14-89 Touch Type Tutor Ver:2.0 USCON.ZIP 20357 07-31-88 The United States Constitution VGACAD16.ZIP 356524 09-26-90 vga cad & paint program - good VMSYS10.ZIP 88735 06-12-89 vehicle maintenance program VP.ZIP 188787 06-16-92 VACATION PLANNER. THIS PROGRAM WILL ALLOW YOU TO ENTER A STARTING POINT AND AN ENDING POINT IN THE USA OR CANADA AND IT WILL THEN GIVE YOU THE BEST ROUTE TO TAKE. WIND.ZIP 802 12-30-89 Print wind chill chart (BASIC) WORDSRCH.ZIP 264220 12-30-89 WordSearch 1.13 NIV Demo. Best Bible Pgm WORLD29.ZIP 178176 11-27-89 Stunning Featured World Map Program WPDICT.ZIP 76800 12-23-89 Program To Improve Your Word Power ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 33 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 16 - Misc. Programs & Utils File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ WRDFIND.ZIP 15762 08-19-88 WORD-SEARCH MAKER!!! WWWW.ZIP 109046 12-06-88 Who What When Where Project mgmt XCAL402A.ZIP 151745 02-26-89 Express Calc 4.02 part-a XCAL402B.ZIP 97573 02-26-89 Express Calc 4.02 part-b YEARCAL.ZIP 21504 12-23-89 Make Calendars And Schedules Ver:0.04T ZIP-KIT7.ZIP 109568 09-11-89 Utilities for PKZIP 101 ZIPKEY.ZIP 210944 11-27-89 Displays Correct City & State Or Zip ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 34 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 17 - Screen Utilities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ 29ROWS.ZIP 3516 04-21-88 Expands your screen to 29 rows. ANSI2K.ZIP 4293 02-06-88 Updated ANSI.SYS ANSISYS.ZIP 13204 05-29-89 Flip ANSI.SYS ON/OFF from the DOS prompt AOLA105.ZIP 55157 10-31-88 a great ansi screen editor. BACKSCRL.ZIP 7267 10-20-84 Backward scrolling BIG.ZIP 8902 11-24-86 display *BIG* letters on screen CAT.ZIP 1067 06-30-92 Make your cursor look like Bill The Cat! batch file modified from PC magazine CGA.ZIP 5120 12-14-89 Allows CGA on Hercules & compatibles CLOCK2.ZIP 8131 10-20-84 Clock in corner of screen COLORCGA.ZIP 3804 08-19-88 Set CGA colors - w/256 color screen DOC! EGAFONTS.ZIP 50176 11-29-89 Use To Change Appearance Of Text EGAUTL86.ZIP 5888 06-26-91 EGA/VGA Screen Saver for WIN & DOS!! EXPLS122.ZIP 9728 09-10-91 "Active" screen saver with explosions FACE.ZIP 5874 11-24-86 Funny faces on your screen! FASTSCRN.ZIP 38973 02-29-88 Nansi.sys and Raw.com for Fast Screen. FIREWK42.ZIP 29273 01-30-89 MS-Windows screen blanker utility FLIKFREE.ZIP 21330 03-19-88 FlickerFree scrolling for CGA HR.ZIP 8295 01-03-89 Sperry Hi-Res preserver MKPROMPT.ZIP 16140 05-07-88 Kiss plain Jane C:> prompt goodbye! NEWBGI.ZIP 85195 06-13-89 NEW BORLAND BGI SCREENS AND FONTS PRISM1.ZIP 339651 04-13-92 Change VGA Pallet. Menu driven or command line 57 files - New:08/24/1991 Old:11/10/1990 PROMPTS.ZIP 2399 10-14-88 Bama & Auburn color prompts (ANSI.SYS) SAVESCRN.ZIP 1736 05-19-86 Protects your screen from burnin SCRNSAVE.ZIP 4024 01-10-91 Shareware screensaver has moving clock SPLIT.ZIP 862 06-15-86 Fancy way to clear screen (IBM PC) SPS.ZIP 2732 02-09-87 Selective Print Screen (SPS) utility. VSEL.ZIP 10429 02-24-85 Sperry Hi-Res preserver ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 35 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 18 - PC-Magazine Utilities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ BENCH51.ZIP 290688 07-04-90 PC labs benchmark test ver. 5.1 BENCH60.EXE 518616 04-27-92 pcmag benchmarks newest version to my knowledge JOURNAL.ZIP 15360 05-17-91 PCMag Expense acc manager Feb 12, 1991 PCMAG.ZIP 21704 01-23-89 Collection of older PC Mag utilities PCMAGUTS.ZIP 272833 07-04-90 pc magazine utilities PCUNZIP.ZIP 15066 06-30-92 PC Mag. unzipper for .ZIP files PCUTIL1.ZIP 65674 01-19-89 More older PC Mag utilities PWRTOOLS.ZIP 255055 12-23-90 PC MAG'S POWERTOOLS (400+ UTILITIES!!!) SCHEDULE.ZIP 41984 09-26-90 PC mag appointment scheduler good!! V10N13.ZIP 36591 09-10-91 PC Magazine Volume 10 Number 13 Files V9N02.ZIP 59392 01-26-90 PC Magazine Volume 9 Number 2 Jan0, 90 V9N03.ZIP 148031 02-22-91 PC-Mag vol 9 no 3 V9N04.ZIP 182382 06-26-91 Feb 27,1990 V9N05.ZIP 25841 06-26-91 March 13, 1990 V9N06.ZIP 71656 06-26-91 March 27, 1990 ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 36 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 19 - Batch File & Menu Utilities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ 3DMENU11.ZIP 35285 02-26-89 SUPER EASY 3-D MENU MAKER - GREAT PRGM ADM204.ZIP 84959 05-06-92 ADMast menu system ,freeware Small,Mouse Support ASK3.ZIP 17668 02-26-89 Prompt user from within batch file. AUTO45.ZIP 150259 02-26-89 Automenu version 4.5 great menu system BAT.EXE 295552 03-21-89 PKZIP EXE OF BAT EXT LANG V3.12A BAT2EXEC.ZIP 47524 12-23-90 PC Mag - Compile batch file BATCHMAN.ZIP 19456 09-26-90 Batch utilities from PC magazine BATCHPRO.ZIP 76800 01-07-90 Batch File Construction Kit BATKIT.ZIP 42552 12-23-90 Batch Utilities includes GETKEY 5.1 BATMAN.ZIP 25012 02-26-89 Put some pizazz into your .BAT files BATMENU.ZIP 1660 02-26-89 Example of menu using BATMAN.ARC DMENU30.ZIP 24746 09-26-90 Dixie Menu v3.0, hard disk menu program EASYMENU.ZIP 151552 12-14-89 Easy Menu Manager Program EBL314A.ZIP 64546 07-21-89 EXTENDED BATCH LANG. 3.14A FMGOLD_1.ZIP 355116 05-15-92 Fast Menu Gold - ver 4.6 (1 of 2) FMGOLD_2.ZIP 350951 05-15-92 Fast Menu Gold - ver 4.6 (2 of 2) GIBSON.ZIP 45017 12-23-90 New Sound and Motion menu system DEMO GREET.ZIP 615 02-26-89 GREETING, DATE & TIME FOR BATCH FILE/R LEMENU.ZIP 14647 06-01-89 Simple Menu /sys[D[D system for HD's[D MENU3_5.ZIP 332963 06-01-92 A great DOS menuing program with task swapping and mouse driven functions... MOO3.ZIP 101760 05-24-92 MOO-3 DOS or Windows Menu System -freeware- Menu system with up to 500 entries per screen Runs programs from a batch file. PAWS21.ZIP 73728 06-16-92 a good batch file utility that will put a pause command in any batch file PCDSH4.ZIP 67013 03-22-89 "PC Dashboard" Menu System PCFAST.ZIP 23168 06-26-91 "Freeware" demo menu program - Good. PICK.ZIP 7753 05-08-89 Cute bar menu generator for Batch Progs POWER5.ZIP 191537 12-23-90 Powermenu 5.0 shareware from Brownbag WAIT.COM 128 02-26-89 Batch Utility to Wait 3 seconds. YMENU.ZIP 39239 02-26-89 A very good menu system. ZIP-BATS.ZIP 4248 03-22-89 3 BAT files that'll help with PKZIP ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 37 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 20 - Fido Net Utilities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ ALUFOECO.ZIP 3456 09-26-90 How to receive the ALABAMA UFO ECHO CONF_400.ZIP 66579 02-23-90 ConfMail v4.00 FIDO echo handler ECHO308.ZIP 199034 11-12-91 Echo Mail Door for Phoenix/Fido FD202-1.ZIP 378165 02-24-92 FrontDoor v2.02 (1 of 2) FD202-2.ZIP 244746 02-24-92 FrontDoor v2.02 (2 of 2) LMACWOOF.CPT 175616 01-24-92 Fidonet Point software for Macintosh NODELIST.Z99 561644 07-17-92 Complete nodelist for day 199 XLAX235.ZIP 136817 11-12-91 XlaxDiff Fido NODEDIFF processor XROBOT.ZIP 21541 09-25-90 Automated mailer for FD ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 38 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 21 - Disk & File Utilities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ 1PASS.ZIP 12157 06-26-91 Copy high density disks in one pass ADAPT35.ZIP 60317 10-02-89 Adapt 3.5 drives to run on PC/AT ADVDIAG.ZIP 236301 10-02-89 HD test - read/write test of hard disk ANAD132.ZIP 56965 11-27-88 Diskette util - edit, repair, dump etc BAC.ZIP 1057 03-22-89 Make hard disk backups easily BAKKIT.ZIP 53248 09-26-90 Shareware Bakkit 1.1 BOMBSQAD.ZIP 4477 09-26-88 TSR prog to intercept disk I/O BP.ZIP 18728 08-02-88 List percentage of files needing backup BUWHIZ.ZIP 107520 12-14-89 Easy to use menu driven backup program CDISK445.ZIP 159744 03-21-90 DISK CATALOG PROG-READS ZIP/ARC/PAK/*** CF21.ZIP 17856 05-27-88 LATEST CFORMAT; FORMATS IN 29 SEC - GOOD CHKDIR.ZIP 8091 10-02-89 Like chkdsk, except for subdirs CHOP3.ZIP 26640 09-01-88 Divides files into smaller pieces CLEAN93.ZIP 143908 07-04-92 Clean virus infected files, direct from McAfee's BBS. CNFMT106.ZIP 42937 04-14-90 Bckgrnd disk fmt, 3.5 & 5.25 -- GREAT!!! COLUMBUS.ZIP 13312 09-26-89 Treatment for Columbus day virus COM-EXEC.ZIP 33055 05-07-88 Save HD space, put executables in 1 file COMPARE.ZIP 3628 05-27-88 COMPARE text or binary files PCMAG v7n11 COMPBIN.ZIP 14624 02-29-88 File Comparison in Binary. GREAT! COPYDIR.ZIP 11815 02-26-88 Dos copy directory tree utility DCOM.ZIP 33697 02-29-88 Directory Commander, 'better than DM' DDT17.ZIP 60289 02-26-89 DOS Drive Tool v1.7, full scrn edit FAT, DDUP105.ZIP 13312 04-14-90 Copies floppy to HD, multi copies to fd! DELBAK.ZIP 12172 10-22-88 Deletes .BAK files from all directories DELDUPE.ZIP 11763 06-13-89 Delete duplicate files between sub dir's DFF3.ZIP 12455 03-22-89 Doman's File Finder - Net cmptbl fast DIRMAGIC.ZIP 31071 05-27-88 "The Power User Program That DOS Forgot" DIRSIZE.ZIP 6831 05-07-88 Tree directory with size of each dir.! DIRSUM.ZIP 4439 03-04-88 List total bytes used in each directory DISK25.ZIP 59555 06-01-88 25 good disk utilities DISKEXPL.ZIP 58366 08-19-88 A good track & sector editor DISKLABL.ZIP 49832 11-27-88 Make labels for your disks...Good DISKVR46.ZIP 50192 10-02-89 Prints cover for floppies (also HD) DLABEL48.ZIP 12602 04-21-88 disk label making utility DM.ZIP 65282 02-29-88 Directory Manager DM25.ZIP 38254 08-02-88 Directory Master 2.5 released 7/10/88 .. DOG-HB.ZIP 81920 01-07-90 Defrag Files/Backup Hard Disk Programs DOSMTC26.ZIP 56837 05-30-86 File Manager & Multifunction Utility!!! DPROTECT.ZIP 3191 10-19-88 Protect drive(s) from Trojan programs DSECRET.ZIP 2471 10-22-88 Hide/Un-Hide Sub Directories DSKLBL1.ZIP 32479 01-30-89 Print labels for disks w/sub dir option DUPEFIND.ZIP 15140 03-04-88 Find duplicate file names on HD *good* ERRMON.ZIP 3593 04-14-90 Monitor HD performance (changes INT13) FBR.ZIP 13037 06-13-89 File backup & restore program. FBR163.ZIP 16384 11-27-89 File backup/restore utility - ver: 1.63 FF208.ZIP 11264 11-27-89 Excellent file finder FILEDUMP.ZIP 750 10-02-89 hex file display like debug's "D" FILL20.ZIP 30444 12-20-88 Fills diskette - v2.0 - by Jean Lalonde ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 39 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 21 - Disk & File Utilities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ FINDUP39.ZIP 28397 10-02-89 Reads files and tells if duplicated. FLASHBAK.ZIP 86318 01-12-89 hard disk backup to floppies FMTM217.ZIP 72377 04-07-89 FormatMaster v2.17 FREEALL.ZIP 4490 12-23-89 Read available space on ALL drives. FSTMP100.ZIP 15921 07-04-92 FSTAMP - Extremely versatile file stamper. Changes the date and/or time of your files; you need not enter entire date or time, only local author w/C source included. HARDUTIL.ZIP 78775 02-29-88 HARD DISK UTILITY PROGRAMS HDM432.ZIP 235264 04-15-92 Hard Disk Menu IV 3.20 MicroFox Co. Up to 260,000 entries. Mouse. Security. One of the best.. HDPARK2.ZIP 5120 12-23-89 Prowindow Hard Disk Park Utility HDSNIFF.ZIP 5499 02-26-89 HD util that displays format parameters HYDK431.ZIP 271761 07-01-92 SUPER FAST CASHE PROGRAM ,BEATS SMARTDRIVE!!!! IDCKILL.ZIP 4167 06-13-89 Mast file deleter for hard disk. INTLEAVE.ZIP 13083 08-02-88 Maximize your hard drive's performance ISDIR.ZIP 3618 03-22-89 ISDIR.COM determines if directory exists IUA19.ZIP 66806 06-13-89 Hard Drive Interleave Adjustment Util. LDIR41.ZIP 15270 07-07-89 Displays dir's in selected file order. LISTB124.ZIP 3113 02-26-89 List bad clusters on disk LISTMM.ZIP 3875 08-19-88 LogiMouse driver for Buerg's LIST ...... M-JRUSLM.ZIP 10070 07-04-90 Removes Israeli Strain B & Pakistani vir MASTKEYS.ZIP 257024 10-09-89 Like Norton Util's, Only Better-v3.0A NETSC89B.ZIP 113466 04-29-92 McAfee's virus scanner, network version NETSCN93.ZIP 120041 06-28-92 Network version of McAfee's ViruScan PARKAL.ZIP 2059 05-19-86 Head Park uses INT 13 PCLOK11F.ZIP 23264 08-19-88 PUT A PASSWORD LOCK ON YOUR HARD DRIVE PSBACKUP.ZIP 64512 12-14-89 Point & Shoot Backup/Restore Program QDR.ZIP 6726 07-07-89 Quick disk reformatter,deletes all files QDUPS.ZIP 31744 12-23-89 Find Duplicates On One Or More Drives QFIL31HD.ZIP 110915 11-27-89 latest version of qfiler - very good ROINFO.ZIP 25075 08-16-89 Get info about your hard drive SCAN93.ZIP 132041 06-26-92 ViruScan by McAfee Associates. Best PC virus scanner on the market. SD15.ZIP 61481 03-22-89 StupenDOS shell with ZIP support SD60.ZIP 77966 01-30-89 Sorted Directory 6.0 SD62.ZIP 104241 09-30-89 Stetson's Sorted Dir - SD V6.2 - good .. SPNTST12.ZIP 4615 04-14-90 Latest version of Spintest - Harddrive SST_52A.ZIP 47987 05-22-92 Supersonic Search Tool V5.2a, formally Whereis. TELED204.ZIP 78182 05-06-92 TeleDisk v2.04 - send exact copies of a disk over modem (i.e., diskcopy) THEREF42.ZIP 169472 04-01-92 Drive and Controller Guide. Version 4.20 Directory of Hard Drives, Floppies, Optical Drives and Controllers by F. Robert Falbo A Great Technical Reference Guide, and it's still Free!! ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 40 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 21 - Disk & File Utilities File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ 14 files - New:10/02/1991 Old:10/02/1991 TIMEPARK.ZIP 2431 06-26-91 Parks hard disks on a timed basis VOLCHK30.ZIP 67926 10-02-89 Disk checking program VSHLD86B.ZIP 94064 02-12-92 Virus Shield from McAfee VSHLD89B.ZIP 107280 04-29-92 TSR that monitors program loads and refuses to allow known virii to infect your system. VSHLD93.ZIP 107738 07-04-92 Virus sheild. Memory resident virus protection direct from McAfee. Use this when running new programs for the first time. WHERIS.ZIP 8490 07-06-88 Yet another WHEREIS, but lots FASTer! WSCAN93.ZIP 183255 07-04-92 Windows version of Scan. The best virus scanner on the market, including all of the commercial ones. Direct from the McAfee BBS, and specifically for windows. ZIPZAP65.ZIP 38656 07-06-88 Excellent Disk Sector & File patch util ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 41 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 22 - General Text Files File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ 1216REF.ZIP 157668 02-26-89 A share-ware MS-DOS reference manual. ADDICT.ZIP 3775 01-26-90 are you a modem addict? ALBBS082.ZIP 10701 07-13-92 Alabama BBS List - July 13, 1992 ALLFILES.ZIP 50361 07-20-92 All files on ACCESS ALLSPECS.ZIP 26496 04-14-90 TECHNICAL DATA ON MOST SEAGATE DRIVES APPSUM.ZIP 65802 04-14-90 Summary of files on CIS Systems Library ATCMDS.ZIP 2205 02-09-90 AT commands for Hayes modem CALORIE.ZIP 45550 09-01-88 GOOD CALORIE LIST FOR MANY FOODS CHRISTM.ZIP 1316 01-12-89 Color text file questioning Christmas DECL_IND.ZIP 3968 11-29-89 The Declarcation of Independence on-line DIRTYD9C.ZIP 80527 01-22-90 Eric Newhouse's latest Dirty Dozen DM-Q&A.ZIP 285740 10-31-91 MFM, IDE, SCSI frequent asked problems IMZADI.ZIP 1447 08-16-89 Info on new ST:TNG fan club newsletter KATZ_CIS.ZIP 18080 04-07-89 A conversation with Phil Katz re PKZIP KBOOK.ZIP 14193 08-21-89 A BASIC tutorial for kids LAFFABLE.ZIP 36291 11-05-87 Humerous Quips and Quotes LEGAL1.ZIP 27792 06-20-88 Legal Forms - File 1 of 6 LEGAL2.ZIP 18433 06-20-88 Legal Forms - File 2 of 6 LEGAL3.ZIP 25032 06-20-88 Legal Forms - File 3 of 6 LEGAL4.ZIP 8883 06-20-88 Legal Forms - File 4 of 6 LEGAL5.ZIP 10899 06-20-88 Legal Forms - File 5 of 6 LEGAL6.ZIP 29393 06-20-88 Legal Forms - File 6 of 6 LETTERS1.ZIP 64562 03-22-89 Various form letters. LETTERS2.ZIP 64374 03-22-89 Various form letters LETTERS3.ZIP 63755 03-22-89 Various form letters. LETTERS4.ZIP 70342 03-22-89 Various form letters. LETTERS5.ZIP 56170 03-22-89 Various form letters LSL2WARN.TXT 384 07-21-89 Warning About Leisure Suit Larry II MAGCARTA.ZIP 7634 01-05-88 Text of the Magna Carta MCAFEE.ZIP 1191 04-14-90 ******* BAD SCANV58 ALERT ************** MNP-TUNE.ZIP 1046 05-09-92 Tune up your 2400 MNP modem for Higher CPS. MURPHY2.ZIP 1390 01-07-90 New Murphy's laws. NERDTEST.ZIP 3771 01-26-90 are you a nerd? Take this test!!! NEWBBS.ZIP 724 02-26-89 A New Hunsville BBS has Started!!! NONOISE.ZIP 2996 10-03-88 Build a modem noise killer for < $10.00 PERSTBBS.ZIP 89429 06-01-89 PERSTOR ARLL CONT INFO FRM PERSTOR BBS PROOF.ZIP 12928 08-07-89 HULL claims sysops are rumor-mongers PROSUM.ZIP 31744 04-14-90 Summary of files on CIS IBM Prog Lib RIGSHEL.ZIP 13114 07-07-89 A fantasy game on Cygnus. Please read! RS232.ZIP 9276 03-09-88 RS232 tutorial SCAN78NO.ZIP 3198 06-12-91 MUST READ - SCANV78 IS A TROJAN SHARE.ZIP 2421 10-24-90 SHARE.EXE explained! What it does, and why you need to run it. From Artisoft. SS#INFO2.TXT 5120 10-25-88 Info about Social Security numbers SS#INFO2.ZIP 2724 09-20-88 ARC'd version of SS#INFO2.TXT STACDOCS.ZIP 67468 07-01-92 DOCS FOR STACKER 2.0 STAR-TNG.ZIP 28672 02-09-90 ST:TNG episode synopses STREETS.ZIP 113390 07-21-89 STREET DIRECTORY AND LOCATION-HUNTSVILLE STWIT.202 6528 08-07-89 The infamous HULL "twitted sysop" list ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 42 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 22 - General Text Files File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ SYSSUM.ZIP 58368 04-14-90 Summary of files on CIS IBM Appl lib THELIST8.ZIP 94708 08-21-89 "TheList" National BBS Listing - 08/89 UNTAPPED 4480 05-29-89 U.S.A.'s Greatest untapped comdey source USBBS98.ZIP 78845 07-05-92 USA BBS List Version 98, June 30, 1992 USEANSI.ZIP 5699 11-18-88 A discussion of how to use ANSI.SYS USN.ZIP 2763 07-01-92 NAVY BBSES VPF_11.ZIP 7130 02-26-89 Ventura Publishing User Group list VSUM9006.ZIP 51225 07-04-90 Desc. of all known virii as of June 90 WARN201.ZIP 762 03-31-92 !!! WARNING PKZIP 201 IS HACKED !!! 1 files - New:03/16/1992 Old:03/16/1992 WASHBRDS.ZIP 24970 04-20-90 Washington DC and area BBS listings WLRH.ZIP 1876 06-06-91 Dr. Rowland Burns' refs from WLRH show WORLD.ZIP 5120 03-21-90 student bloopers on history of the world WSPABBS.ZIP 1280 01-07-90 Editor's Filler Service Database YZMODEM.ZIP 76800 09-10-91 Text file on modem protocol's ZIP-1.ZIP 23894 01-30-89 BBS Magazine ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 43 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 23 - File Compression Programs & Utils File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ A2Z16A.ZIP 33505 05-05-89 Converts .ARC's to .ZIP AM556.ZIP 209315 04-15-92 Arcmaster v5.56 ARC602.EXE 138624 04-25-92 A GOOD ARC UNARCHIVER WITH SELF EXTRACTOR ARJ230.EXE 200363 04-19-92 This is the current version of the BEST file compression program. Shareware and beat all the others out there. (Self-extracting) CHOT11.ZIP 49160 07-04-90 Scans .ZIPs for virus (needs SCAN, PK) CMT40.ZIP 20021 06-12-89 Add comments to .ARC files FV126.ZIP 7168 04-14-90 Buerg's FileView (.ARC, .ZIP, etc.) IDC21.ZIP 117323 10-02-89 IDCSHELL 2.1b / NARC 2.5A ARC/UNARC UTIL JPGUTILS.ZIP 91305 06-25-92 Arc/Dearc utility. Very good for graphics LHA212.ZIP 42325 09-10-91 File archiver (.lzh format) ver 2.12 LHX.ZIP 38140 07-21-89 FIXES DAMAGED LHARC FILES NARC24.ZIP 107821 01-30-89 an excellent shell for NARC PAK210.EXE 91392 01-07-90 PAK 2.10 - The only challenge to ZIP! PDZIP22.ZIP 26576 04-27-92 public domain zip for individual use. pretty good. PK361.EXE 119808 08-08-88 The NEW PK archive utility: PK- & PKXPAK PKLT113.ZIP 37888 12-16-91 PKLITE v 1.13 file compresser for EXE PKX35A35.EXE 71680 12-15-87 Creates several fast ARC utilities PKZ110.EXE 149120 04-14-90 PKWare ZIP Compression (Faster/Tighter!) PKZF10.EXE 26368 02-20-89 Katz's New File Finder/ZIPfiles v1.0 SERVICES.ZIP 282365 03-31-92 Combination of AM44 and SHEZ 12 files - New:12/09/1991 Old:11/04/1989 SHARC875.ZIP 52601 02-25-89 Good Shell file archive utility SHELL300.ZIP 70624 02-25-89 facelift+now can be used with pkzip SHEZ70.ZIP 189087 04-17-92 Major update release. Uses XMS/EMS memory, secondary directory window, floating extract location option, 4DOS/NDOS support, faster help system and startup, ARJ 2.30 support, mouse fixes, plus much more. ASP Shareware. SPAZ_140.ZIP 31475 12-12-90 Automatically calls PK, ARC, LZH, etc SQPC.ZIP 5275 07-07-89 Fast file squeezer. TOZIP51.ZIP 19456 01-07-90 Converts Var. Compression Types To Zip TS310.ZIP 72006 03-22-89 Front end for pkzip,pkpak UNARJ220.EXE 49689 09-10-91 ARJ file utils w/C source (not required) ZIP.ZIP 7052 04-07-89 Zip'em up quick (and smallest) with this ZIP087.ZIP 122475 04-21-88 best file utility around. ZIPKIT0A.ZIP 157600 06-28-92 PkWare utilities for PKZIP110.EXE ZIPKITS8.ZIP 116736 11-30-89 Useful Utilities For PKZIP 101 ZTOOL2JW.ZIP 4097 05-08-89 Updated Batch Progs to automate PKZIP ZTOOLSJW.ZIP 3705 04-07-89 Batch tools to automate zip! ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 44 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 24 - File Compression Programs & Utils File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ BEACH.LZH 116217 06-05-92 Rendered pic from Papa C's BBS CHESS.LZH 44363 06-05-92 Rendered pic from Papa C's BBS BOXER40.ZIP 264860 07-10-92 BOXER is a full-featured text editor which includes multi-level Undo, full mouse support, Keyboard reconfiguration, 28/43/50 lines for EGA/VGA, multiple files and windows, macros, color, word processing and on-line context sensitive help. (ASP) by David R. Hamel BOXERTXT.ZIP 10223 07-10-92 Text file about the BOXER Text editor. DVTAPE.ZIP 3622 07-10-92 Help file to run Colorado Mem Sys tape drive in DesqView window from CMS CRIMCASE.ZIP 103053 07-12-92 a program for a police officer to keep track of arrests made. Looks pretty good GRFWK61P.ZIP 357030 07-12-92 Graphics Workshop version 6.1p. From Alchemy Mindworks. Convert graphic images to other formats (GIF > TGA > PCX etc.). ALAD161.EXE 235648 07-13-92 Aladdin GEnie access program V1.61 Self-extracting MEDIT113.ZIP 80227 07-13-92 MegaEdit v1.13 for WIN3.x NOtepad replacement with no file size limits ALW108.ZIP 210048 07-15-92 Astronomy Lab For Windows - shows planets, moons etc. in orbit, gives reports and much more. ICOMAG.ZIP 38361 07-15-92 Windows icon editor, ICOMAGIC LHA211.EXE 42880 07-15-92 CONVERTS LZH FILES WMAP21.ZIP 15183 07-15-92 this program will make maps for wolf3d ACLOCK11.ZIP 33792 07-16-92 Astronomy clock for Windows, Version 1.1 SHUT-FRE.ZIP 6400 07-16-92 Shuttle frequencies for voice and NASA SELECT transmissions around the USA. VUIMG330.ZIP 123136 07-16-92 Latest VUIMG file viewer, GIF, etc., GOOD!!! APOGEE.ZIP 460224 07-17-92 Best games of shareware Kroz,Dark Ages,Commander Keen and Pharaoh's Tomb COLTRIV.ZIP 56343 07-18-92 Trivia game with colors in all the answers SHEZ71.EXE 184926 07-18-92 A good archive shell as well as a good way to look inside archived files as well as many other feathers. this is a self extracting file ULTRAQIZ.ZIP 62986 07-18-92 Deduce answers from hints provided 800#1291.ZIP 48260 07-19-92 800 Numbers database of PC Products and Manufactures. MSPHONE.ZIP 1363 07-19-92 Listing of Microsoft Telephone Numbers S-AV111R.ZIP 16914 07-19-92 this utility will remove the auth. from zip files. (-av) SPARKL29.ZIP 52125 07-19-92 will add some color and class to your batch files VIRZIP14.ZIP 16849 07-19-92 checks for virus's in zip files 800#2.ZIP 4121 07-20-92 List of 800# BBS's in ProComm Plus dialing ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 45 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 24 - File Compression Programs & Utils File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ directory format 800BBS-2.ZIP 3949 07-20-92 Listing of 800 numbers BBS's 800NUM2.ZIP 4121 07-20-92 Listing of 800 numbers BBs ARGH!.ZIP 10946 07-20-92 A very difficult logic problem. Have fun! ASTRON.JPG 81429 07-20-92 635x477x256 GIF of astronaut in space. BATMAN.JPG 74142 07-20-92 640x480x256 gif of M.Keaton as Batman. BLACKDOG.ZIP 250003 07-20-92 Excellent VOC file for Led Zeppelin fans BMENU54.ZIP 22512 07-20-92 Use small windows in batch files! Make customized menus inside the batch file - uses errorlevel return levels CPUUSE13.ZIP 6773 07-20-92 shows % of CPU time used in Windows 3.0 DLVIEW23.ZIP 37732 07-20-92 View animated graphics with .DL extension GIF2JPG.ZIP 74804 07-20-92 Converts those .JPG files to .GIFs GWORK61H.ZIP 366574 07-20-92 Graphic Works Version 6.1 H HIT.ZIP 21252 07-20-92 HIT ANY KEY TO CONTINUE!! (MUST SEE) ZipLab > Old - Newest file is 05/27/1988 FILE FAILED VERIFICATION CHECK MOKE1.ZIP 239232 07-20-92 Japanese Text Editor 1 of 5 MOKE2.ZIP 290304 07-20-92 Japanese Text Editor, 2 of 5 MOKE3.ZIP 272640 07-20-92 Japanese Text Editor, 3 of 5 MOKE4.ZIP 42112 07-20-92 Japanese Text Editor, 4 of 5 MOKE5.ZIP 9856 07-20-92 Japanese Text Editor, 5 of 5 MUSIC.ZIP 220328 07-20-92 Best Music Writing Program I've seen yeat!! Requires Soundblaster card PBRUSHUT.ZIP 175187 07-20-92 PC Paint Brush Utilities package (Great) PKZ193A.EXE 74126 07-20-92 Alpha test version 1.93a from PKWare. This is not an official release, so I would not recommend using it to create new .ZIPs. However, you may need it to unZIP some files created with the new PKZIP. PROBOTS.ZIP 81432 07-20-92 Hone your Pascal skills by programming a robot to fight others robots. Many examples included. Require Turbo Pascal. QMU210.EXE 91121 07-20-92 PRO$TOCK: Download Stock Market data form PRODIGY Service and post directely to QUICKEN 5 accounts. This ASP Shareware is from the makers of other fine PRODIGY utilities including PROMASTER and PRO$TOCK. ZipLab > Archive failed CRC or AV checking! FILE FAILED VERIFICATION CHECK UC30A.ZIP 188908 07-20-92 Unicom 3.0 for Windows 3.0 (1 of 2). UC30B.ZIP 118494 07-20-92 Unicom 3.0 for Windows 3.0 (2 of 2) WCK-DDE.ZIP 2137 07-20-92 WinCheck DDE specification WCK30E.ZIP 263697 07-20-92 Wilson WindowWare WinCheck 3.0E WCKBAL-E.ZIP 48445 07-20-92 WinCheck net worth utility WDTOOLS.ZIP 48854 07-20-92 Word for Windows Macros - great WED12JB.ZIP 150093 07-20-92 Wilson WindowWare WinEdit 1.2J WPFRENCH.ZIP 11033 07-20-92 Type in French with WordPerfect ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 46 Û²±°Û²±°Û²±°Û²±° THE ACCESS SYSTEM - HUNTSVILLE, AL °±²Û°±²Û°±²Û°±²Û Catalog of Files by Subject as of : 07/20/1992 Main Board Directory 24 - File Compression Programs & Utils File Name Size Date D e s c r i p t i o n ================================================================================ WPGERMAN.ZIP 10577 07-20-92 Type in German with WordPerfect WPPORTUG.ZIP 11131 07-20-92 Type in Portuguese with WordPerfect WPSPANIS.ZIP 11033 07-20-92 Type in Spanish with WordPerfect ================================================================================ File listing created with WGM-DMS v.3.5. Page 47